Last week I told you from this corner all those who thought that October 1 was going to end the world, that the day was always clear and the world was going ahead, that I didn't want to talk about the referendum, and I told you about Light Day. Today I cannot stay without looking at the Catalan countries.
You have already read enough analysis and articles, and I do not believe that four of my opinions will help you to understand it better. I am not an expert and I have not worked on it. But I want to tell you how the ARGIA team lived the days of the return of October 1. How they have competed with the biggest in the noise of the news every minute. Strategy: ...If I do l’estiro fort per here, i tu l’estires fort per allà... (... you push hard on the wall and push in the street!... ). Lluís Llach couldn't guess better. All together. One from here and another from here, in collaboration. This is the first time that the entire team has worked on the same topic, some from Catalonia and most from the writing, and at each moment, shifts were distributed among those who were in the Basque Country to follow the news. ARGIA uses the Live Blogging update system to make this kind of news known on its web. This system allows more than one person to be able to edit the news at the same time, introduce new updates to a di-pt, etc.
Once again, however, it has been demonstrated how much we are strengthened by community participation. ARGIA published a few days before October 1 a whatsapp number so that those who have approached Catalonia could send there what they collected in their images. The first messages had started coming since Wednesday, and Sunday came the wave of information through this social network that allowed us to know and spread the situation in many places. “It’s wonderful to see people working voluntarily within a work team and, of course, on the street,” says a colleague.
He's pleased with the work done by ARGIA, I've heard more than one, and the numbers on the web and social media have also shown the fruits of the work. The follow-up to the referendum in Catalonia has enabled ARGIA to receive the largest number of visitors from the age of 20 who have been on the Internet. ARGIA has been strengthened in order to continue to defend freedom of the press and all freedoms.
In the URL0 store you can get a t-shirt with the slogan “Els carres seran sempresas nostras” (what in Euskal Herria we say “The street is ours”) that sounds more strongly in Catalonia. For 13 euros, you will contribute 2 euros to the media La Directo de Cataluña and 2 euros to ARGIA so that it can follow in the medium term the process of independence of Catalonia. You will receive it in your home from October 19. Because without information there is no democracy, we must also promote independence in journalism!
Local media also testify in times of repression. La Directo's camera clearly recorded what police had shot at the man who had lost his eye with the rubber ball. These images have been the main evidence of a child's sexual assault complaint. There are other signs that the work of the public media is fundamental.
Abokatua, aktibista soziala eta Espainiako Kongresuko diputatua da Jaume Asens (Bartzelona, 1972). Urtarrilaz geroztik, Pablo Iglesias ordezkatu du Unidas Podemos talde parlamentario konfederalaren presidentetzan. Abokatu gisa, giza eskubideen eta mugimendu sozialen defentsak... [+]