“On the one hand, the reader will find a timetable for the work to be done with plants throughout the year, focusing on four areas: the orchard, the fruit orchard, the flower garden and the forest. Each month includes an introduction to the time, the number of suns and hours of light from the meteorological point of view, as well as the work that is done in relation to it. On the other hand, two more detailed studies are presented every fifteen days: it is not ‘now you have to make the summer vaccine’, but a broader explanation of how this vaccine is carried out, accompanied by the image of Olariaga’. “For the first time we have also made a proposal for a climate map of
Euskal Herria, and the book provides general information about the moon, eight basic steps to make a vegetable garden, the composition of fertilizers, the time between the plant placement and the reception... In addition to all this general information, we have also drawn up a list of all organic producers in the Basque Country that I think is very important and that has been the first time that it has
been published.” “The book is an agenda, after all, but especially for the garden, to point out the works that each one has done every day. People say: ‘Last year we had amazing tomatoes,’ and when you ask him when he planted them, he replies ‘I don’t know.’ Many don't know what they do and why they get things right or wrong in the garden. Well, to learn, it's important that everyone gathers information. Whoever succeeds in it in two or three years will have a Christian encyclopedia.”
“I have helped with images what Jakoba explains by text, to highlight or explain what is theirs. The basis of the illustrations is therefore in the text. I've made big, small illustrations, drawing on big works or homework every month. Sometimes, however, when we do some work, for example sowing something, we are aware of the result, because we dream of what will ultimately be what we sow. In the book, sometimes, I've played with space and time, representing that result. In this sense, the work has been very entertaining and fun, giving small clues to the reader.” “Those of us who create illustrations must always
be related to the writer or to those who propose the theme, we become accomplices for the good and the bad. Jakoba and I have given lectures with the book Altza Porru, I have learned a lot and I have approached his language, we have achieved complicity. Because what happens on earth and below it to me also seems exciting, all these phenomena are a hint, and to me they are a stimulus to draw drawings.” “We have sown the book, now the reader has to expand it and fulfill it, with the drafts, the notes, the schematics of
each one, the data... Dare to make drawings too! Whoever says he cannot draw is a great liar...”.
Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.