And tonight, following one of those drinks, we have one of those long routes. We will go towards the Rhine. It is at one of the most historic points of that river, in the language of its inhabitants, Strossburi, which for us is Strasbourg. We go to the hospital or main hospital area. We reach a double door on the sidewall of a staircase that is at a fairly high level at an angle of an administrative building. What we are going to find behind this door, once we have entered the Sotano cave, which is a catacomb, is historic.
It is a winery built in 1395 and yes, war after war, which has remained standing until today. There are huge barrels, most of the 18th and 19th centuries, one of 26,080 liters is 1881 and a spectacular lagar is 1727. There is the oldest wine of the wood barrel known somewhere: behind a verge, a barrel of 450 liters that says 1472. The barrel is full, that is, it is 545 years old. If, over time, wine gets good, this will be a delight. White wine is the most appreciated of these countries. It appears that the elixir has only been disgraced on three occasions: In 1576, in 1716 and in 1944, during the Second World War, the city was liberated.
A small museum has been installed in the winery and wine has been sold, as I have been told, of good quality. Some Alsatian winemakers have permission to raise their wine in that winery, and that's the wine they sell, and they say it's the best in the world ... They have 150,000 bottles and the money they get is spent on the needs of the hospital.
They say that the way out is difficult. I'll come one day to ask him, and I'll drink the wine of the year and watch the 545 year-old barrel burn me envy.
"Azken urteetan Arabako upategi txikiak desagertzen ari dira. 1995ean 700 inguru izatetik, gaur egun 200 eta gutxi gelditzen gara", adierazi du Esti Besak.