Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Arms production companies in the Basque Country

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Source: Grupo Vitorianos.


ADS (Advanced Dynamic Systems)

AEG Power Solutions Ibérica (former Saft)

Aernnova Aerospace

Alestis aerospace


Workshops Aratz

BBI (Beretta – Benelli Ibérica)



CTA (Centre for Aeronautical Technologies)

Give him robotics

Grupo Alcor

IDEC (Engineering and Composites Development)

LTK Industrial & Aeronautical Logistic Services

Maxam (UEE Sports Card)

Mercedes Benz




Qaes (Quality Engineering Services)


Sky Way Technology

Subcontracting of Aeronautical Projects

Tecnasa (Aerospace Technologies)


Aerospace Engineering Group

Aeroteam (Aeronautics Engineering)

Aitor (North Blade)


Murueta shipyards

CTA (Centre for Aeronautical Technologies)



Emte Norte

Evec, Verification and Control Elements

eb-rim Group

Hegan (Aerospace Cluster)


Thermal Treatments

ITP Turbo Propulsion Industry

JPG (Engineering, Reconstruction and Spare Parts Group)


Mechanized Astorkia

Mesima Bilbao


Novatronic Systems

Oienda (former IT Deusto)

PCB (Precicast Bilbao)







CRU (Ensign Bickford Explosive Union)

Vitelsa Norte

Wartsila Ibérica


Workshops Aibe



Constructions and Railways Assistant

PID RD Centre of Excellence

Cidetec (Centre for Electrochemical Technologies)


DMP (Precision Mechanical Developments)





See (Angel Iglesias)


Larrañaga and Elorza (alcyon)

Mechanical Constructions José Lazpiur

Mechanized Canters

Aluminium Microfusion

Sapa Placencia

Sisfle (Bending Systems)


Tesa (Workshops Escoriaza)


Thermal Treatments TTT

Iontech surface treatments



M.Torres Industrial Designs

Orbital Aerospace

Tiruña (Talleres Iruña)



CEMA (Aquitaine Mechanical Research Centre)

Dassault Aviation

Lauak Group

Technological Pole

Precimecan (Caromar)


You are interested in the channel: Armagintza
Gerraren eta militarismoaren aurka, manifestazioak egingo dituzte gaur Hego Euskal Herriko hiriburuetan

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Response to Cedares Forum
Investing in Defense

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Transforming the arms industry to transform society
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"We are not prepared for whatever comes to us in four or five years' time. The danger lies with us. We must face it: What is happening in Ukraine can happen here too” (...) “Russia, China, but also North Korea and Iran, are working hard to try to weaken North America and... [+]

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List of companies, research centres and institutions related to the arms industry of Hego Euskal Herria
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Moldaketa, zail bezain ezinbesteko

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2024-12-30 | Patxi Aznar
Killings, arms escalation and consequences

On 26 December, during an air strike, the Israeli Army killed five Palestinian journalists trying to reach the city. They killed 130 Palestinian journalists. This news has reminded me of a couple of things, the first, the persecution of true journalists in any part of the world,... [+]

Proposal for a "transformative adaptation" of the arms industry
Basque companies and institutions related to the arms industry have grown from 70 to more than 200 since 2008
The "companies, centers or institutions" of Hego Euskal Herria linked to the arms industry have tripled in the last fifteen years, according to data from studies carried out by the anti-militarist group Gasteikoak in 2008 and 2024, respectively. One of the most outstanding... [+]

Israel and Spain maintain an agreement to keep arms sales secret
The agreement began with the presidency of the Spanish Government, José Luis Zapatero, and took place in 2014 with the presidents of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, and Israel, Shimon Peres. The agreement has been announced by the Public Journal, which publishes the news of it.

The Spanish State has paid over EUR 1 billion to Israeli military companies since the beginning of the genocide in Gaza
According to the Centre Delas report, advanced by the media, in recent months the Spanish Government has made new contracts with Israeli companies. In addition to buying arms, the Spanish State is the fifth country in the world that has sent the most weapons since... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude