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Zabaltegi finds her way

  • The Zabaltegi section of the San Sebastian Film Festival is working to regain its identity after years of distortions by sharing space with prominent pearls at other festivals.
Cannesen saritutako ‘The Square’ ikusi ahalko da, besteak beste, Zabaltegi-Tabakaleran.
Cannesen saritutako ‘The Square’ ikusi ahalko da, besteak beste, Zabaltegi-Tabakaleran.

With the focus on films looking for new film tracks and their headquarters in Tabakalera, the past Film Festival made it clear that San Sebastian is willing to risk betting in this section – among other things, Hele Sa Hiwagang Hapis by Lav Díaz, a historical-fantastic film with an 8 hour film.

It seems that the formula worked: known cult directors were merged (Jarmusch or Tavernier in the 2016 edition) and doors were opened to young talents, including Maria Elorza/Maider Fernández Iriarte tandema (better known as Pasaik Girls) or Koldo Almandoz, who managed to capture the attention of the public of the house. It looks like this backbone of this year is still stable. The Korean Hong Sang-soo, winner of the Silver Shell to the Best Director in the Official Section, will bring to the Festival the last of this year’s three releases, Geu-hu, who competed in Cannes counting a woman’s first day of work, representing another worker with whom she maintained a sentimental relationship.

Along with experienced directors such as Depardon, Wiseman or Garrel, we will also see the work of young authors in the section.

Two other experienced directors have been confirmed on the veteran side in late August: This is 12 jours by Raymond Depardon, a film with a very special approach, taking into account that the director has recorded with camera the statements before the judge of those admitted to psychiatric centers, crossing in the film his medical records, the opinions of health professionals and the latest judgments of judges. Another proposal seems to be Frederick Wiseman's Ex Libris: New York Public Library. His trajectory has always highlighted a style that seems like an external observation, which in its first appearance may resemble a mere observation, but which finds a narrative structure. Wiseman rolls institutions and in this case he is part of a “great institution of global knowledge.” The winner of the official section will come from competing at the Venice Festival to Zinemaldia.

With these confirmations, the section that hitherto had Phillippe Garrel as one of the main names – it was known in early August that he was going to be at the L’amant d’un jour French Film Festival – that will give the opportunity to see The Square of Ruben Östlund, winner of the Cannes Golden Palm.

But in addition to the well-known directors, the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera section seems to invite new looks and, at least if you look ahead, there will be very interesting productions by authors such as Spell Reel, by the Portuguese Filipa César, with images of the struggle for independence of Guinea-Bissau and the subsequent military revolution of the socialist period; or Not intense Salagora.

Otherwise, most productions are hard to see in a movie theater. This opportunity is to be welcomed.

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