During a walk they found a sweet apple, of those that feel like throwing it through their mouths before they bite, that is, making cider. There began her love for apples and cider.
It is estimated that there are more than 150 varieties or varieties of apples. And they've started planting new ones, as well as many apples pots or sagarminas that already exist. An apple tree that constantly reinvents and renews between the mausoleums and statues that have been built in two centuries! Among the life stories of thousands of people...
Mixing the variants in one form or another, they have made all kinds of ciders and made them mature in the catacombs of the cemetery. In the hope that they will take advantage of the many initiatives carried out in Auzolan... One of them is called “Paradisus.” He's also a beekeeper who has his flies in the cemetery for these apples to give their flowers. Honey is called “Sweet from here to back.”
These ciders are only drunk in the cemetery. Being foamy, when you open the bottles, a jet falls to the ground. What's happened about the roots of apples. As here, the dregs that remain at the bottom of the glass when it has been drunk is how it returns to earth.
I've always said, I want to see my body under a cider apples.
192 milioi sagar 2024. urtean. Segundoero sei sagarretik gora saltzen du Britainia Handiko Tesco supermerkatu kate han ezagunak; ia 27.000 tona. Zenbaki ikusgarriak dira baina are harrigarrigoak dira bertokoak, Ingalaterrako sagarrak direla jakinda.
The McIntosh apple is mostly seen in computers, tablets, sepals and advertising. His logo marks very well what it is, the author got it right; it's an apple he lacks, as if someone had bitten him. And that's that McIntosha is a delicacy.
It's a Canadian national apple, because it's... [+]
The truth is that, outside the meadows of our house, I don't know in Euskal Herria this variety of apples. It has a long history, it's better to feel to read.
Our grandmother, Joxepa Aizpurua Irazu, was born when she was then Sidrería Aizpurua. It was previously a lagar... [+]
Sagardoaren Jatorri Izendapenak aukera itzelak ematen dituen tresna den arren, Euskal Sagardoa martxan jarri zenetik bildu den lehen uztan sagarraren prezio tamalgarriak mantendu dira.