Three, two, one... and start the weekly march race! And of course, we all like to hear about what's new on the first working day back on the holiday, right? At least a couple of news items have reached my ears, and I'll keep it in my pocket for the next time, but the first one I can't keep silent and I'll throw it away (unless you've seen it before, it'll be a surprise! ). ARGIA has presented a new comic strip. The author is Adur Larrea, and every week you can taste his humor in the Panorama section of this journal.
Meanwhile, I can't resist the temptation and I've asked Larrea a few small questions for ARGIA. He has recently collaborated with the world of illustration and has carried out several works with ARGIA; among others, he has collaborated in the creation of the Okatxu comic book with Asisko Urmeneta and Mattin Irigoien, as well as in the “bertso-zirimarra” projection organized on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of ARGIA. “What is Adur Larrea going to offer the reader weekly?” I asked, and here I reply: “Every day, several media tell us the truth. An indisputable conception, the news that is inevitable, the absolute news that society must know... Can you understand all this information differently? Well, I'm going to try to answer that with my humble drawings. I will try to convey to humanity an understandable draft of my doubts and concerns.”
Why has Adur Larrea accepted the ARGIA offer? “I have always liked the cartoonists who deal with themes and problems of all kinds from a critical and synthetic point of view. In ARGIA, for example, Asisko has put the very high barrier with that fine, ruthless humor for all these years. Since it is very difficult to pass over this barrier, perhaps I will try to surround it...”.
Urtaro bakoitzean kaleratuko den aldizkari honek Lurrari buruzko jakintza praktikoa eta gaurkotasuneko gaiak jorratuko ditu. Formato oso berezia du: plegatutako orri handi bat da eta zabaldu ahala poster handi bat agertuko zaigu barnean. ARGIAk sostengatzen du Bizi Baratzea... [+]
Santi Cobosen ahozko testigantzan oinarrituta, espetxearen erretratu bat da Zigor Olabarriaren Txori Urdinak liburua. Santi Cobosek (Leon, Gaztela, 1968) bizitzaren erdia eman du preso. Pairatu ditu torturak, jipoiak, muturreko isolamendua, FIES sailkapena; burutu ditu ihes... [+]