This prosperity had forged the temperament of the Sibarites, who despised the work and loved luxury, who banned blacksmiths and carpenters for fear of a working atmosphere, who banned even the barns because they didn't need to wake up early and tied their hair with golden cords. The city was founded in the 15th century BC. It was destroyed in the 510 year, and the Kratis River was modified by water and mud to cover the city. But “sibarita” has been synonymous with mokofina since then.
Gulf of Ambracia (Ionian Sea). In the 15th century a. 2 September 31. The Romans achieved victory in the naval battle of Accio and ensured control over Egypt. Therefore, the Greek hegemony in the Mediterranean is concluded on that date, but the Hellenic influence has remained so... [+]
Grecia, a.C. Século IV. Varios pensadores gregos, como Aristóteles ou Heraklides, escribiron sobre os etruscos, recollendo unha opinión negativa sobre o pobo que vivía no centro e norte da península italiana. As mulleres etrurianas foron especialmente criticadas e o... [+]
Antzinako Greziako hainbat tenpluen sarreretan, eskailerez gain, arrapalak topatu dituzte.
Atenas, K.a. 448-432. Akropoliaren gailurrean Iktinos, Kalikrates eta Fidias arkitektoek diseinatutako tenplua eraiki zuten, Atena Partenos jainkosari eskainia.