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Announced by the media

  • The 577 seats in the National Assembly have their own deputy for a five-year term. In the event that it is high, 58% of the voters have not cast their vote. France, the cradle of European democracy, has collapsed. In any case, Macron has also felt flooded in Ipar Euskal Herria. Two of the three Members who will be present in the French Parliament belong to the Republic movement under way of the President: Vincent Bru and Florence Lasserre-David. The other is Jean Lassalle.

President Emmanuel Macron (RM)’s Republican March has won 350 Members, as reported by the Community Executive. It was expected that in the first lap, with less clearance than expected, they would reach 400. Among these 350 Members are 44 from the Modem de François Bayrou. The party of the Minister of Justice has been strengthened by the dispute that she maintained during the campaign with the MS. A finding, however: Bayrou's political activity has been affected in the last week by irregularities reported by Le Canard Enchainé. Abstention, corruption has not been punished in the last two elections. The current political system protects, in some way, the politician, even if his activity is corrupt or healthy.

Les Republicains (LR) and the UDI (Union of Democrats and Independents), together, have achieved 130 Members. The defeat of the right is palpable, but its situation is not as apocalyptic as the media in favour of the current establishment. François Baroin and Laurent Wauquiez are the new leaders of the party. The post of President of the party will be played with each other over the coming months. The right has problems in organising and innovating, but ultimately lost seats have been awarded by the MS. What is the alternation of MRI? LR, that is, the right. Fundamentally, in art, the right was in power, at the Government headquarters in Matignon and in the Presidential Elysée.

The CSP has achieved 32 Members. PRG (Radical Left Party) and Ecologists 13. More than the left, let us say that social democracy has taken a handful of cuffs; yours is the worst defeat. The HP disaster is total. The PS Secretary-General, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, has resigned after hearing the results of today’s votes. The question arises: Will the Social Democrats of MS influence Macron’s neoliberal policy, as they are the best allies of capitalist neoliberalism?

Intractable France and PCF have achieved 27 Members. Given the social support that the Left has in France, failure is also evident. The French President, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, although in his hearings he often presents extremely radical positions and messages, in order for the opposition he wants to make to take place, he must be in tune with the left-wing voters who have abstained. Jean-Luc Mélenchon has become the new Member of the French National Assembly.

Given the majority of Members of the National Assembly, can anyone think that the right is a loser?

The Fn de Marine Le Pen obtained 8 Members, while the Federal de Marine Le Pen. Two facts to highlight: Marine Le Pen will sit for the first time in the Basque Parliament, as announced by the Executive. Number two of the Fn, Florian Phillippot, has won no seat. In recent months there has been some kind of rivalry between the two leaders of the Endesa League. Phillippot's failure can alter the strength relationships within the FN. The FN will have no parliamentary group, for which it is necessary to obtain 15 members, if it is high, the FN will make more “noise” than ever in the National Assembly. On the other hand, suppose that, after the five-year period, the President of Marine Le Pen was elected, it is not entirely impossible, how many LR and RM members would go to the Fn?

The other political parties or groups have obtained 29 Members. Interestingly, from the night of the vote count to the next day, the number went from 9 to 29. The data seemed insignificant for a moment, but after all it has shown: French political representation is becoming increasingly fragmented and fragmented. It is not a sign of the plurality of democracy, but a sign of the decadence of the political parties, of the end of an ideological era.

Paradoxes and curiosities: on the election night, when counting the votes, the main concern was whether the ministers Marielle de Sarnez, Mounir Mahjoubi, Bruno Le Maire, Richard Ferrand, Christophe Castaner and Annick Girardin would be elected or not. Otherwise, as Prime Minister Edouard Phillippe had guessed, he would have had to resign from the office of Minister. The Minister for Maritime Affairs, Annick Girardin, was "in danger", but the six have finally achieved a seat in Parliament. Former Prime Minister Manuel Valls has been elected a member of the Congress of Deputies. Submissive France has not accepted the count of votes in favour of the former Libyan Interior Minister. The night has been long and warm in the town hall of Evry in Pennsylvania. Thus, the election of ministers or Members of the past has filled the election night in the media and in the parties’ headquarters. This is the portrait of the present politics and the democracy of politicians.

During the night, several “dancing” seats were held until the “fixed” seats of several Members or “politicians” were decided. In fact, politics has become a “merely professional” activity. President Emmanuel Macron is the most visible exponent of the current economic crisis. 5. In the Republic, the French deputies were characterized by being elected deputies or senators as they became elected officials in the institutions of the peoples, departments and regiones.Después of having worked as a banker in Macron, after having been minister of economy in the government of François Hollande, the PSC has become president of the Republic.

Finally, French policy follows its protocol. The first task of Prime Minister Edouard Phillippe is to leave the new Government, to have its ministers resign from office. In 24 hours he will present to President Macron a new cabinet, with a programme "open to the public". The formulation of politics. In the meantime, we can ask: given the majority of Members, can anyone think that the right is a loser?

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