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Jean Lassalle opposes the flooding of Emmanuel Macron

Jean Lassalle
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Macron has also felt flooded in Ipar Euskal Herria. Two of the three Members who will be present in the French Parliament belong to the Republic movement under way of the President: Vincent Bru and Florence Lasserre-David. The third is Jean Lassalle, who has been in the Basque Parliament since 2002. In the second round of voting, you also highlighted the great abstention that has taken place in Parliament. Although not in the second round, EH Bai was "very pleased" with the result of the votes.

The Socialist Party has also failed in Iparralde: Sylviane Alaux left out in the first lap and Colette Capdevielle in the second

Macron, two new Members, namely Vincent Bru and Florence Lasserre-David and Jean Lassalle, a Member over the past 15 years. There are the Members of Ipar Euskal Herria in the French Parliament. In view of the support received in the first round by the March Republic movement (RM), formed by the new President Emmanuel Macron, and the Macron wave planned for the second round, there have been no great surprises. The fourth voting district was the one that generated the most curiosity and uncertainty. Specifically, the leader of the PSE, Loic Corrégé (25.41% in the first round), rose with the victory thanks to the Macron phenomenon, and Lassalle (17.71% of the votes), who was dismissed a long time ago.

Significant abstention was also highlighted: 46.63% in the fourth electoral district, 55.43% in the fifth and 56.88% in the sixth. The defeat of the Socialist Party in France has also taken place in Iparralde: Sylviane Alaux left out on the first lap and Colette Capdevielle on the second. No patriot was present in the second round, in which Patxi López participated. The EH Bai coalition, the third force last Sunday, has not issued a vow in the investiture plenary. The PNV, however, called for Bru and Capdeviell, who refused to vote.

Jean Lassalle: often missing, but always there

It is well known that your seat in Parliament is in many cases empty. For example, despite belonging to Parliament’s financial committee, 85% of the committee’s meetings were not attended. As far as parliamentary speeches and/or amendments are concerned, it is ranked among those that do least. But it does not matter, the constituents of the district, which brings together Zuberoa, Nafarroa Beherea and a small section of Lapurdi (also part of Biarno), support him over and over again. It has a seat of Members since 2002. Proof that he has the last book published with the title “A Pastor in the Elysées”, he is considered a representative of the rural world. We cannot deny that that is what voters like and that that helps victory. Bearing in mind that the recent communiqué on ikastolas (which are a space for teaching arms management) or the failure to make the cry for the peace process heard, it can be assumed that it has not received the vote of the Abertzales.

Florence Lasserre-David: Near Bayrou

With 57.03% of the votes, Capdevielle took the seat in the second round. Militant of the centrist party, the young Member, 36 years old, has been elected for years. He is also a Angelu vicelehendakari and a departmental advisor to the Atlantic Pyrenees. The closeness of the Justice Minister, François Bayrou, if he had been elected as a candidate for the presidency of MS did not cause him any surprise. But it's not the example of change and novelty that movement wants to represent.

As for the Basque or Basque demands, it is not among the elected representatives who usually express their support. These include the lack of answers to the questions that the Bagoaz group has sent to the candidates. The group asked him whether he was committed to bringing to Parliament the demand for the peace process or respect for the rights of political prisoners.

Vincent Bru: one on the right, one on the left

Bru, with 62.51% of the votes in the sixth district, was made with a clear victory. It's known in the world of politics. He is mayor of Kanbo and counselor at the departmental level. He has announced that he will resign in the other posts to cover the full membership. His past has been placed on the right, but it has been presented at the parliamentary centre with the label of the centrist party Modem, which is part of the Macron movement. In the previous elections to the Basque Parliament, Michele Alliot-Marie (UMP) stood as an alternate. In the votes to the House of the People, he also presented himself as right-wing. The election of the MS candidature provoked a great stir. Above all, because he signed a manifesto against gay and lesbian marriage. There, too, he has changed his attitude suddenly, asking him to withdraw the pseudonym. Unlike the other two Members, it has undertaken to bring to the Basque Parliament the issue of the peace process and the request for respect for the rights of prisoners.

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