The Basque Minister for Employment and Social Policies, Beatriz Artolazabal, said that a person can live with dignity with 600 euros a month. It should be an example and give up your public salary to live with the IGR! Do not be ashamed of publicly telling lies about your government role: everyone knows that a person, and less a family, cannot live with the current IGR in a dignified way. Basically, what the Basque Government wants with the reform of the IGR is to reduce costs, because its priorities are others, such as the TAV which channelles a lot of money.
To justify cutting policies, the Charter of Social Rights is clear on what the administration is working on: “It seeks to criminalize and stigmatize precarious groups and social sectors, as well as ways of socializing, for example, those who have to cope with poverty and share their housing.” Adequate control of social benefits is necessary to prevent fraud, but it cannot be allowed to include scissors in public aid for the most deprived, economically, environmentally and socially unjustifiable works as long as there is money for the Pharaonic works. Lehendakari, advisors and their allies should impose this new IGR on themselves.
I have always found the way in Spanish to the carriages that can be found here and there: humiliating. Isn't it a pretty light, white name or doesn't it have any connotation? After all, everything that was going on there had to be humiliated. It is known that for the god of... [+]
LANBIDE has launched an anti-fraud campaign in Income Guarantee Income and has created an anonymous whistleblower. Responding to the criticisms received, he said that this mailbox was merely an instrument for ordering complaints and notifications. It does not promote class... [+]
In the Basque Parliament, the legislative amendment to the Basque System for Inclusion and Income Guarantee has advanced. We need to look at the debate on the law, the agreements on the left and the right to amend it, and at the limited impact that the reforms brought about by... [+]
Bizitzeko Gutxieneko Diru-sarrera onartu du Espainiako Gobernuak, EAEn eta Nafarroan lehendik ere daude DSBE eta Errenta Bermatua zeuden. Hala ere, milaka dir halako errentarik gabe geratuko direnak, desberdintasun sozialak maila asko baititu: generoan, nazionalitatean,... [+]