The male Kiwi works little: she donates flowers and spreads the dust of flowers, she generates millions and millions of ixpi pollen so that insects and winds bring them to the flowers that have opened the female plants. Fertilization occurs as it is later wrapped in kiwi, that is, in the quality of each grain. The presence of pollen in the hand of separate female flowers is essential for the grain to grow well and fulfill its objective: to give seeds. Good fertilization/fertilization will bring many seeds, and many seeds of large fruits. I am not tired of saying that the fruit tree does not bear fruit to eat us, but to distribute its seeds and create new fruit trees from them. Meanwhile, we put our hand in and we eat it, but also without thinking too much we separate their seeds, then when we get rid of it ... How many seeds does a kiwi have? It is said to have hundreds of seeds, over five hundred on average, and some of them even over 2,000, up to 2,500. For my part, I do not intend to proceed with that computation, but if someone does so, he will inform us of the result. Two thousand five hundred thanks beforehand!
Seeds are, of course, for the creation of new plants. We insert the clones of a certain variant, the copies. There is a great possibility of creating new variants from the seed. If you try and get it, you'll be able to give yourself the name of your daughter, or your father-in-law... Let's see. Separate the seeds by pressing the kiwi pulp into the filter. Put it in the water and let it dry for a couple of days on a paper or fabric. Keep the seeds in a container or bag in the refrigerator for three to four months. Sow in a box filled with sweet land, cover it quickly with ground and crush it gently. Sprinkle with sprinklers while keeping the soil moist, unsaturated. Cover with plastic or clear glass to maintain moisture. Place in a temperate place. After 3-5 weeks, remove the cover and sunbathe. As they grow, they get cleared and transversally. From there to the kiwi.
192 milioi sagar 2024. urtean. Segundoero sei sagarretik gora saltzen du Britainia Handiko Tesco supermerkatu kate han ezagunak; ia 27.000 tona. Zenbaki ikusgarriak dira baina are harrigarrigoak dira bertokoak, Ingalaterrako sagarrak direla jakinda.
Lagun baten gomendioa dela medio, Nafarroako Gobernuaren altzoko INTIA nekazaritza institutuko Laborantzen Babeserako atalean dagoen jakinarazpengunetik Fruta-arbolen osasun kudeaketa zuzena egiteko kontuan izan behar dituzun gomendioak dokumentua eskuratu dut, eta baita amaren... [+]