“The day after May 68, new ideas also flourished in Ipar Euskal Herria. Feminism happened that. But unfortunately, the atmosphere of consumerism that has been spreading has ended with many principles. In short, the same values that are now being reactivated. We seem to have to get excited again to realize the importance of humanist values, solidarity or humility.”
Emmanuel Macron, elected president of the French Republic, tried to catalyse French chauvinism by restoring the Grandeur’s atabism. This doctrine stated that it would combine the cult of economic, political and military independence of France with the strengthening of the... [+]
Urtarrilean Vanessa Springora editoreak argitaratu duen liburu autobiografiko batek lurrikara eragin du Frantziako letren errepublikan: Gabriel Matzneff idazleak berarekin izan zuen harreman pedofiloa kontatu du, bide batez 68ko maiatzaren osteko giro intelektualak onartu zituen... [+]
During these days, films, reports, compilations of songs of the time, surrealist round tables are being taken from all sides as “if it had been and would have been done” on May 1968. They'll serve the same sauce until the end of the month. Then it's over.
From time to time,... [+]
50 urte egiten du aurten, maiatzan izan zirela manifestaldiak, grebak eta beste gertakari franko. Emazteen mugimendu azkarra izan zen ere, elkarteak sortu ziren, planning pfamilial delakoa eta ere haurzaindegiak.
50 urte egiten du aurten, maiatzan izan zirela manifestaldiak, grebak eta beste gertakari franko. Ikasletarik abiaturik fite hedatu zen langileriari; maiatz 68ak markatu zuan garai baten urhentzea, eskuinaren politika bortitza salhatuz, hala nula langabezia azkarra eta hilabete... [+]
The title of Communal Luxury suggests a controversial definition of luxury, beyond the conventional connection between luxury and big capitalists. It brings us to the head of the Italian autonomous movement, how it denounced in the 1970s the pretension of limiting workers’... [+]
Mariasun Landa ::Festa aldameneko gelan
orrialdeak ::142
prezioa ::15.50€