The Usopop festival has become a sure bet. You can go without knowing three-quarters of the poster, because the smell of the organizers is a guarantee to know that the musicians who walk the stage really deserve to be done. That is also the case this year. The festival opened its doors to the public with the pop music of the British Laish in action. Then Paxkal Irigoyen and his Consumer Orchestra, asking for mobiles and cameras to be shut down, filled Estella with slow digestion melodies. The composed guitars of the Petit Fantome group burst their first waist movements. In that they would have to see the powerful melodies that occasionally approached electronics, and also all the Bob's Beer that had
already fallen into the hands of listeners to relieve the heat. And finally, Totorro, with his broken rhythms, strong on the back, magician at the punchline, creating an authentic madness in the stands.
But if Usopop makes himself smile, it's not because of the big poster -- alone. In two out of three talks this southern awe, which can be summed up a little more or less as follows: “These on the border know how to do things well! They're from another pill." Not only for the usual care details – tipi shops, colored light bulbs, candles. At Merchandising, those at Usopop are also showing the way. Not a lighter, not a bag, not a t-shirt. The averages have been removed – one might therefore think that in the short term the averages will become the final garment of the distinction. Attention to what they dress in that sub-area.
If you start doing things differently, karaoke is also different. At the end of the concerts, in the light of all the big and small bears, the live music of the Los Chimberos enlivened the micro. There was no playback. And an unbeatable repertoire. First the Hotel California, then La Bamba, and finally, the most perfect piece for a karaoke: Laztana de Loen. It has everything: epic, paused rhythm, passion. By holding the micro as Xabier Euzkitze, it is given the possibility to look at it, and people surrender to the body and soul, until almost a sprain is made on the neck. It's already known that in Euskal Herria, there are no grandmother's grandchildren who are able to sing another song from this group, but that's small. Everyone who created a hit like affection is forgiven.
One arrived at this kind of reflection, on Sunday afternoon, in Sara's square, attentive to the concert that the Bigott group offered to close the festival. And it happens to you that yes, the Usopop festival has become a safe bet, but not just for the musical offer. You look around you, you see passionate people doing nice things, and you think you can't ask for a festival anymore. Usopop has everything, even his myth. Legend has it that there is a hidden force in the curves of ascent to Lizarreta, which makes you some evil play when you least believe it. If two years ago Petti’s car fell into the ravine, this year the caravan of the toilet – kakamion for friends – turned in the middle of the road, creating a large row of cars. Even though the festival was delayed for an hour, people took the joke incident. On everyone's lips, it's the same thing: less bad than it's turned up, rather than down. What if not!
Anyone who wants to keep on inflating myth has a lot to do next year.
Itziar, Dani and Xan receive eleven musicians at the top of Larhun, at home. The soloists and members of different groups met with a clear goal: on 30 October they offered a joint performance in the Lur Berri room in Sara, which would close the Lost Maps festival. What they... [+]
Lagunarteko ekimen bat izateko asmoz sortu zen jaialdia, dagoeneko maiatzeko azken asteburuko hitzordu finkoa bilakatu da. Hala, aurten bederatzigarren aldiz, maiatzaren 26an eta 27an Usopop Festibala eginen da.
Hemen da Usopop festibalaren zazpigarren edizioa. Larunbat honetan (maiatzak 28) eginen da Saran, Lizarrieta mendian.
Usopop festibala. Non: Sara (Lizarrieta). Noiz: maiatzak 30. Sarrera: 10 euro. Informazio gehiago:
Maiatzaren 30ean da hitzordua, Sarako Lizarrietan. Usopop festibalaren 6. edizioan zein musikari ariko diren aurreratu dute aste honetan.
Barbarossa talde britainairrak eta Mursegok fededun eta fedegabe andana bildu zuten igandean Sarako Santa Katalina kaperan, musika berrien eta ama lurraren izenean, amen.
Gauza polita antolatzen ari dira Saran duela zenbait urtetik: laugarren edizioa zuen Usopop jaialdiak joan den larunbatean. Jarraian han entzundako kontzertuen kronika.
Usopop, Sarako (Lapurdi) Lizarreta mendatean musika berriak eta amalurra uztartzen dituen jaialdia ospatuko da datorren larunbatean. Hirugarren edizio honetan, Ruper Ordorika oñatiarra zuzenean ikusteko aukera izango da, ingurune berezian. Berarekin batera, Rover... [+]