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The regimen has lymphoma in Gipuzkoa

  • When General Deputy Markel Olano Arrese approached the futuristic building Ideo de Orona in Hernani to share a new linguistic strategy with the Basque Country of Gipuzkoa, he found on the portal a dozen elderly people with the banner “No to the incinerator”, soaked in the rain of a long time ago, twelve grandparents affected by the incinerator of Zubieta. Don't look for the photo in the newspapers.

A few days later the Donostialdea motorway flooded about half a hundred vehicles in which no information can be found about ‘Operation Caracol’. Likewise, the youngest people made a joyful protest at the headquarters of Altuna and Uria in Azpeitia. And perhaps you have also found no echo of the messages and the multitude that the Anti-Incineration Movement has gathered in Zubieta on 27 May, if the brave young people of Gipuzkoa Zutik had not brought thousands of people – yes, the majority young, many adults, some 80 years old among them – to ‘zone 0’ of the incinerator. Do not despair, do not accept the incinerator, in peace and steadfastness, #ResistZubieta. That young people should give us a lesson in courage, organization and foundation ...

The oligarchic lobby that allegedly baptized Gipuzkoa Victor has taken over everything. With one hand the PNV+PSOE+PP regime, will I accept the “regime” as a definition of the formula of the imposition of power, I do not use it as a mockery? With the other, the Guipuzkoan business establishment, to which Mondragon Corporation, with its banks, supermarkets, industry, universities, now gives the most postmodern guarantee, the neoliberal drift of Mondragon's cooperativism. The fact that the regime has taken ownership of everything, in some respects, has become the mention of “zubilans”, rather than the construction of bridges, in the elegant step between the winners through any bridge. Forgive me if I speak to you outright, colleagues.

The only problem is that… this “post-conflict” paradise that has brought history to an end is nothing more than an exaggerated disguised patient. Hit by the Gipuzkoan oasis that barely manage to sell the mainstream media, both public and private, bandits. The hole in the bridges is the lump that the Chancellor takes out.

Do you want to deceive the society affected by aggressive cancer by making you believe that it is possible for everyone to return to the crisis and to life before 2007? What part of your body will you have to pull us out so that Confesbask continues business as usual? What people will then sacrifice if it is not for the construction of a new fume that sells smoke? Who will be taken out of social aid to fatten private predators with a futile piece of public money? What more rights are going to be given to the citizens to recover the diseases, the eternal private care for the incurable? What will the leftist alternatives do besides leaving each other with suspicion as to who will occupy the second place of the podium? Are we going to some party claiming that this people is willing to exercise the right to decide in this suffocating was Ardance-2?

With what we have learned over these ten years, there is no doubt about the comparison between waste management systems. Incineration is the worst system, the most expensive, the dirtiest, the most harmful. It has already been said, tested in the centre of Gipuzkoa, that there is no more mystery. However, the first camouflaged incinerator – Rezola- which is already saturated with polluting plants in Donostialdea is to be joined by a second incinerator which Gipuzkoa does not need, without heeding one of the observations made from health, the jobs we urgently need, the viability, the care of the environment and the prudent use of public funds, which today can reduce the final waste to 40,000 tonnes. Domuit Guipúzcoa and dot.

If the movements and statements of recent months have not been very misunderstood, the main opponents, prisoners of the Gipuzkoan agenda such as the regime, have ended the Zubieta incinerator. Will many or few citizens be put before them without despair? Will those who do not accept injustice overcome the barriers of the shameful omertan imposed by the regime? Is the genius of the Gipuzkoans going to wake up?

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They move the incinerator's protest plant to the portal
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"Close this dirty, dangerous and expensive incinerator for once!"
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