In October 1789, the most radical representatives of the French Revolution began to use as a meeting point a Dominican convent of Saint Honoré Street (in the image). The residence was closed in July 1794, so it did not last for five years. But that interval was enough for the political group to be baptized with the nickname of Jacobin and they ended up taking their official name. Today, Jacobinism is synonymous with radical political attitude.
Paris, 1667. Luis XIV.aren erregeldian, Colbertek hiriburuko polizia lotinantaren postua sortzeko agindua eman zuen.
Versailles, 1789ko irailaren 11. Batzar Nazional Konstituziogileko ia 1.200 kideak, jauregiko Menus-Plaisirs areto itzelean bilduta, Konstituzioaren artikulu bat eztabaidatzen hasi ziren: parlamentuak onartutako legeei betoa jartzeko eskubidea al zuen erregeak?
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