The old bus station in Pamplona has for the second time become a showcase for organic production in Navarre during the weekend of 19 to 21 May. Organized by the Council of Organic Agricultural Production of Navarra, NNPEK, has offered a comprehensive programme throughout the weekend with many activities.
More than 50 producers have participated in the II Feria de Productos de Navarra. The Ecological Fair offers visitors a wide range of products of all kinds: vegetables and fruits, meat, eggs, dairy and bread, sweets, preserves, drinks, juices or wine. There was no excuse for not filling the refrigerator with organic products.
“The aim is to boost and enhance the visibility of organic products close to the Navarra Eco-Fair. In addition, the fair is a good opportunity to bring organic food closer to Navarre society”, explained the organizers of the fair on the NNPEK website.
Beyond the supply of organic products, other initiatives have also been taken. For three days the talks and product presentations of the fair have not been lacking. The exhibition “The Critical Garden” of Mugarik Gabe Nafarroa can be visited until 27 May in the Condestable of Navarra.
In addition, they have organized cooking demonstrations in which cooks have prepared their dishes in public, advising attendees. He was a macrobiotic advisor in one of these sessions, for example, in the sample “Kitchen for People Without Time”.
As the older ones attended talks and presentations, the younger ones have also had something to do at the fair. Among the children's activities organized by the youngest are the elaboration of ecological soap and drawing with ecological paintings.
The fair, which has received thousands of visitors this weekend, has been pleased with the success of the organizers. Interest in organic production also extends in Navarre.