Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"We have to fight hard with the developer houses."

  • 1962, Baiona. For the people to live! After ten years in opposition on behalf of the group, Uztaritze Bai is the mayor of the town: “Our main objective is to renew the project of Earth Management and Development (PLU), to care for the environment (Agenda 21), to deal with the difficult financial area and to guarantee the agreements signed with the Basque agents. We need three more years to stabilise and develop. I hope to be here in the next legislature to complete the projects that have been launched in this mandate,” said Bruno Carrere.

In the municipal elections three years ago, the residents of Uztaritze renewed the Council of the Villa: The Abertzale group Uztaritze Bai was elected. In the past, the Labortan Congress was in Uztaritze. After the French Revolution, the citizens lost the Basque political institution. The abertzales have been the majority on the board of the Consistorial House since 2014: “It’s been a big change. The former mayor was Dominique Lesbats [center-right], we worked a lot from the opposition. We are now twenty-three members on one side and three on the opposition. We are carefully observed in the people, on the one hand and on the other. We observe our results.”

In other words: “In the Herria Bizi Egiten association not all are abertzales; in Uztaritze Bai they are not. However, we have agreed on a number of points: In the identity of Euskal Herria, in the cooficialization of Euskera... Halfway, no doubt. It is not much or little, we have found a way to go. Clearly, its implementation is more difficult. Therefore, the project has to move forward with each other.”

What has been the main challenge of the municipal group so far?

The first corresponds to the financial part: The debt of Uztaritze amounts to EUR 2 million, which is what we have assumed. The priority, therefore, is to reduce it. For example, this is a big obstacle to boosting housing. We have had to fight hard with the promoter houses to reduce the height of the housing or the greatness of the projects. On the other hand, we have had to replenish the works in the streets and in the car parks. Debt is so large that it has been a difficult step to get into such situations, but we are moving on.

As for urbanism, what exactly are the problems to talk about the Land Management and Development (PLU) project?

The law requires that 20% of housing be social by 2020. That's OK, but we're in a dilemma. Uztaritze has a small area of land, and to reach the height of these public accommodations, more land is needed. It is a huge demand from private households and at the same time we have to comply with the law.

There are people who are not happy about the issue of housing, some of whom have supported it.

It's normal. However, it should be borne in mind that many of these buildings were long projected. Our group was allowed before entering the Consistorial House. The projects are in the current PLU and we cannot oppose them. It is the popular choice and the applicable rule. It may vary, but the laws do not leave it immediately, because the mechanisms are fixed for a specific period.

The Borda Red Kisses project has given much to talk about.

Yes, there's an operation going on there, sponsored by the PLU. We say that in the previous legislatures the percentage of social and private housing was considerably delayed. If the delay is not taken into account, 20 per cent of the law will not be achieved. We increased more than that percentage in each operation, we talked about 40% of social housing.

The Borda estate of Musu Gorri, including its land, is quite far from the city centre. The former mayor and the People's Council wanted to build 135 homes. We consider that the place is not suitable to carry out such an operation, so we stopped the project and started a competition for the growth of the cottages and a Bio Project. Three or four operators could be installed in this area. At the moment two farmers have approached us and there is one more to take the offer.

Real estate companies and companies therefore want to send out.

A friend once said: The mayor, united in [baptisms], is united.

Uztaritze, at the naked eye, is well located. Close to the coast, towards the interior...

However, one of the problems we have is that the territory is scarce. Uztaritze is a poor village, there are no factories, people move to the coast; 75-80% of Uztarras work outside. Mobility is a bad issue, we do not have our own sources of funding, but we have to respond to the needs of those who move.

It's not easy to govern...

The organization of the ground to build is not easy. The configuration of Uztaritze is complicated: on one side is the area of the Errobi River (La Nive), it cannot be built due to the risks of flooding. On the other hand, there are a thousand hectares of protected forest. We therefore have very little soil to develop the economy or to plant the industry.

Concerning transport: In Uztaritze there is a special place, and also the road that has gone through there.

The main road to the interior runs through Uztaritze. For this reason we have reaffirmed the construction of the variant of the locality [Pyrenees] after reminding us of the Department's advisor. Therefore, the exterior road is in the pipeline, which will help to overcome the problems of downtown cars.

There is nothing new about common transport. We are trying to improve, the competences are in the hands of the departments of the Department or the Region, which we are constantly asking for, but mobility has not improved. There is also a train station, but it is not organized to travel regularly. It has arrived at Baiona del Norte station, in areas far from the urban centre, but the schedules are not adapted. Despite the efforts of the counselors, they have not met the needs of the citizens. There are buses, but they do not reach the workplaces at the required time. For example, if I took the bus to go to work, I would need an hour to get there; at 19:00, the job would end and go back.

How do they manage what Agenda 21 commands?

Agenda 21 is relatively new for Uztaritze’s neighbours and also for the City Hall. Although we have our advantages, since many neighbourhood committees have been set up in recent years, five committees are currently working. We are reflecting together and making progress on issues such as the deployment of photovoltaic in terms of economic energy, or even terminals for electric cars. We are reflecting and working on the issue of waste.

So far you have been part of the College Errobi. How do they manage the waste problem?

Although we belong to the Errobi Association, we have tried to go further. The key is that, without sending the waste to the Centre Canopia, we try to generate as few waste as possible. We are not within the Bil and Garbi Syndicate. We've put in place a waste crushing system, we're learning how to treat and value waste, our goal is to work out garbage education with partnerships and schools. This May we have organised Sustainable Development Week in schools. We may not be better than anyone, but we want to be transgressive paths. The outcome of this meeting will be announced in the second term of office.

Is it possible that without being an industry it is easier to care for the environment?

We don't have industry, but the industry has its good side, because it has money. Despite being an industry, we have to learn how to take care of the environment. In Uztaritze we are 7,000 neighbours, 10% are unemployed. How do you help? We do not have competence or competence in this area. We are trying to help groups in this area together with local associations, but if we do not have money, it is difficult.

The opposition to the
European Community Kosta is finita.Se
the institution of Ipar Euskal Herria which will try to give the same assistance to all citizens

In addition: What policy does the People’s House have on the Basque?

The truth is that our policy is inadequate. It is a matter that comes from previous legislatures, never much has been done, the previous Municipal Councils did not work on the subject of Euskera. Turning the Consistorial House into a bilingual house is not easy, as well as being bilingual. However, we are with all the agents. To begin with, the twelve employees of the People’s House are learning Euskera, myself included. Avanzamos.Por On
the other hand, in Uztaritze there are five schools, about 600 students are working: the ikastola, the bilingual private school and the other three public schools. One of them is bilingual, the other two are not. The goal is for all of us to be bilingual. In general, we have a great challenge in the future.

Uztaritze Errobi has so far been one of the eleven towns of the Errobi College of the Basque capital. Since January this has disappeared and the Commonwealth has been set in motion. How has the transition gone?

The eleven peoples of Errobi voted in favour of the creation of the Commonwealth. A lot of time has elapsed. 1,000 agents have been involved in the work. Now we have to adapt to the new structure. Projects must be defined to continue along the path that has been taken.

You are the cultural head of the Executive Board of Herri Elkargoa. What future do you see to the new institution?

That it will allow us Basques and Basques to guarantee the identity of Euskal Herria and to build our administration. Maybe it's not all we needed, it's limited, but that's what we've achieved. The most important thing is that projects can be built at the level of the Basque Country. Language and culture will be more protected and we will work better on the economy, housing and transport. At the same time, we look together towards the South. It's a big change.

How do you value the work of Jean-René Etchegaray of the auzapes of Baiona?

He has been key. Baiona is of great importance in the Basque Country and in the Single Community of Iparralde. If the Baiona Consistorial House had not voted in favour, it would not have been the Commonwealth. Etchegaray has taken the project forward in the Euskal Costa-Aturri agglomeration. The fights have been spectacular, but they have been overcome.

Ovens have also been recorded in some inland towns in the morning and evening. The Director-General, Barthelemy Aguerre, has argued that the College will cause an imbalance between the small and large peoples of the country. Administrative appeals have been lodged.

Yes, but your opposition is over. In this respect, we are calm. The Herri Elkargoa is already underway, the institution of Ipar Euskal Herria has been set up, which will try to give the same assistance to all citizens. The ones on the coast take us as interiors and the ones on the inside as coasters. We will, however, find points of support for this matter. What we have to achieve is a balanced and adequate pooling of all subjects and departments, which will help us all.

“Ezkerrekoa edo eskuinekoa baino, abertzalea naiz”

Baionan sortua izanagatik Uztaritzen du jatorria. Aita-ama euskaldunak zituen, bera ordea, Paris eta Bordelen hazi eta hezi zen, aita Armada frantziarraren militarra baitzen. Euskara etxean entzun du txikitatik, baina ez zuen mintzatu. Buru-belarri ari da orain ikasten, eta hein batean moldatzen da. Ingeniari informatikoa da. Etxebizitzarako zentro tekniko batean ari da astearte, asteazken eta ostegunean, soldatapekoa da. Astelehen eta ostiralean, berriz, Uztaritzeko Herriko Etxean dihardu: “Auzapez gisa, lana biziki aldatu zait. Ez nintzen oposizioko burua izan, auzapeza izatera heldu nintzen kontseilari arrunta izan ondoren. Auzapeza izateak erabakiak fite hartzea eskatzen du”.

Ez da ezein alderdi politikori lotua. Herria Bizi dadin! elkarteko kidea da. Bere burua abertzaletzat jotzen duen galdatu diogu: “Batzuentzat batzuetan hala naiz, beste batzuentzat ez. Zenbaitetan abertzale agertzea zaila da. Baina ni abertzalea naiz. Ezkerrekoa edo eskuinekoa baino, abertzalea naiz. Ekaineko Frantziako hauteskunde legegileetarako, EH Baiko hautagai Peio Etcheberry-Aincharti eman diot ene sostengua”.

Uztaritzek eta Tolosak elkar lagunduz

“Iparraldeak berezko instituzioa izateak lagunduko du Hegoaldera bide egiten, eta alderantziz. Herriko Etxera iritsi ginenean herriak senidetzeaz arduratzen den Jumelage elkartearekin mintzatu ginen. Tolosako alkatearekin bildu ginen, Bildukoa zena. Orain EAJko da. Harremanek segitzen dute poliki. Festarako ez da zaila, alabaina, beste alorretan ere aitzina egin behar dugu. Tolosa eta Uztaritzeko jaiaz gain, ekonomia alorrean harremanak garatzeko, lehenik gaia eskoletan landu behar dugu edota tokian tokiko baserritarrak bi herrietako azoketan bildu.  Auzo elkarteen bidez, tolosarren eta uztariztarren arteko ezagutza landu behar dugu. Harremanek berebiziko garrantzia daukate, baina poliki joan behar dugu, jendeak ez dezan gibelera egin, denek ez dute senidetze harremana berdin ulertzen”.

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