“We knew that the primary sector of our environment was in a delicate situation. At the same time, we saw that we were surrounded by big supermarkets. To turn that around, we decided to create the Labore Association among the four peoples of Oarsoaldea: Lezo, Oiartzun, Pasaia and Orereta-Errenteria”. They are words of Jon Legorburu, member of the association, about the beginning of Labore. In one month, after the opening of the store, they were satisfied with the good response they are receiving from the citizens.
This is how the prices of Labore products have been defined, in search of what is right for the two parts of the
compra.Ofrecen both local and ecological products in the association store. “In Oarsoaldea, few products are worked in the ecological model. Therefore, we also attach great importance to the local product, not only to the ecological”. When offering products, the association undertakes to be healthy, to be produced in a fair and supportive manner, to have affordable prices and to be comfortable and open to buyers.
25 March, the 300-square-meter pavilion of Jere was opened, located next to the football field of the Gipuzkoan locality of Oiartzun. In less than a month the number of partners in the partnership has almost doubled. “Before we opened the store we were about 250 partners and now we are over 400. People approach the store and when they see the site they are encouraged.” Each day, the new partners continue to join the associationn.Ademas of the results, the creation process has
also been special in the Labore store. All the work has been carried out in an auzolan way, thanks to the cooperation of the partners of the association. The participation of the partners in Labore is particularly relevant. How do you drive this? “We have a hired worker working in the store, but if not, the partners work a lot: every day two people come in to do the cleaning work of the store or put the products in place when the truck arrives.” In this regard, he has stated that there are sufficient forces to continue working for the future. During the months of May and June, for example, several markets will be held in the region. And you have the idea of continuing to expand membership. Challenge: Yes 500!
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