Haters. Now they're called Hater. Fascinated by the eloquence of marketing cherpolists, they're called that. Because they know that being is not enough, and to predict being today, rather than name, it is the brand that is needed. And that's what they say. “I like hate,” “I am a hater,” “I read hate.” The feeling has become vocation, hobby or profession.
Soyunapringada is a brand that breaks all Youtube brands. The first time I heard it, I was stunned. Without words, trapped in a whirlwind full of contradictions: a nauseous and brutal attack on the canon, the rules, styles and tastes, but… how well I understood Mr! When he mentioned Wonderful, the truth is he talked about obscenity.
Mr Kurtz did not dare to call him. Wonderful dictatorship of positivism. Forced joy, promised optimism. They put us in our heads and we believed. To our children, to our young people, at home, on the street, in the classrooms… When we taught them that everyone is possible, we have done well because we were in the utopian band, dreamers. But… we do not prepare well for when defeats, losses and regrets arrive.
Hate binds us together. Following the motto that there is only one step between hatred and love, they just launched the Hater app, a tool to find partners among those who have like-minded haters instead of similar hobbies.
Prescribers and motivation courses everywhere: to attract children's attention, to encourage peers, to earn a partner, to satiate, to keep friends and not to lose readers and viewers. They say they hate the hartazgo of positivism after excessive motivation. And that hatred is not the result of terrible suffering, but the waste of excessive desires and hopes. A year ago I read that ETB1 was going to release the TV show I hate you, but I have never seen it. I don't know whether it's been given or not, whether it's a lie or not, whether you've been afraid of hate.
Hate binds us together. Following the motto that there's only one step between hate and love, you just launched an app called Hater, a tool to find a match between people who have like-minded haters instead of similar hobbies. Hatred, the key to love, between young people and not so young people who proudly claim to be haters. As if hatred and hatred had not existed since the world was a world.
Beyond hate crimes, at the time of hyperconsumerism, they want us to believe that hate is a lifestyle. I hate it for fear. Life, work, couple, home… Only hatred for fear of losing them can feel who has them. Style and stylism, that's the hatred of these haters in the ballroom. That it hides in the dark the real suffering and the real dangerous hatreds.
The UPV/EHU Palestine was born with the aim of breaking with all Israeli companies and institutions that are carrying out and working with genocide in Palestine. Israel’s impunity comes from its political, military, economic, scientific and academic relations in Europe and the... [+]