The veteran Biscayan collector Resurrection María Azkue wrote for half a century the verses of Buhameak Jakin know it, collected in Baigorri but without the name of the informant. He couldn't be a priest. The song known in Baja Navarra and in Zuberoa is offered in carnival times, with a subtle and flirtatious dance: left, right, left and three… By marking the jumps they move in a circle, often the boys and girls are told the truth and at the rhythm the juniors are huddling each other, encouraging the applause and laughter of the public.
Lupairet, Lupair lupair.El group
Oskorri gave us a version in the album Ura of the year 2000, very rich in music and with a great voice force. Natxo de Felipe and his teammates speak without hindering the languages a chorus that doesn't make much sense. It cannot be denied that the musicality of words has an enormous force.
We can think of it as the language of the Bohemians who used us and talked to us when we were children. Among each syllable, it was enough to add, according to the final letter, the letters pa, po, pi or pu: mipilespésper, for example, to say thank you. The words developed among the additions were collected by the different researchers interested in the topic.
Oh, the pig,
the great gypsy Urde!
Baigorri, in San Juan de Pie de Puerto, the walkers circulating through Amikuze were called bohemians, liquidated by Baztan, which were sometimes mixed in the waves of the burdens on both sides of the border. The writer Jean Barbier (1871-1931) established the pages of Basque literature forever those of Antxespués de Donazahar in 1895: “…What we know is that the Antxesbridges have long been engulfed with the Garazi. They appear in all the squares of the market, olive color, with their curly hair, their black eyes, their corollers in the hand, as a carrasca labrador of advantage.” It has to
be said that in those days many living were seen walking along the roads: Twice a day, a misaligned man named Klentte crossed the Uhane district in Orgrip. Where I was coming from, where I was going so hard, it was a mystery. Besides the solitarians, there were bohemians: They came from Bohemia from the Middle Ages to be baptized as romintxel, kaskarot, ijito, xito, guitano, guitano, guitano, motxista, bohemian or Biscayan. The Hebentik de Maule association focused on this issue through its website and in 2014 the pastoral Petti Buhamea of Pier Pol Berzaitz was taught in Garindain. With a few exceptions, the Roma have until recently become whole partners in society.
know how
to rattle Trikun and steal chickens...
But, far from the ideal model, Basque society had been built around the house, the house lord and man, and if they were excluded, the drains and the gypsies. Each valley had its own: The writer Beñat Karrika quotes in a book from the series Auspoa a a Juana de Mehaine and Armendariz, Mixel Tikoip in the editorial Maiatz in the collection Hotz Bero Bero praised Maritza iragarlea and Arnot who were lost in the lands of Atzze and Gabadi. Not to mention Manez and Nakosa.
Bohemians know that we found two variants of the song. One, gathered by Azkue and the other, suitable for dancing, that goes from Zuberoa to Lapurdi. The second is that the Roma are presented to us as thief chickens. The chicken was a real richness for the farmer, as it gave eggs and white meat suitable for eating on Sundays. Apparently, the chicken had two enemies: the gypsies and the zorro.Los gypsies know how
steal the chickens
from the chickens and
store them under the scrubs.
The most popular version, which braids with dexterity sounds and words, also has two cocks, eight shoes, with a refrain. Here the Gypsies are again flirting, but the spectators cover them with insults emphasizing their status as pigs with a deep irony. Pigs, like chickens, are truly columns of animals in the Basque way of life: with the pig still, if it is not vegetarian, it ensures food for the whole year, with the ham and some craftsmen bring out the gold. To be treated as a saint is, in such a way, double: the pig, by its name of dirty, is as hated among us as hated:
know how to traquete Trikun, steal a rooster
and hide it under Altzo.
Ai urde, ai urdea
urden handi, ai urdea
urdea urdea urdea
urdea urde buhame handi.Los gypsies
also had a reputation for thieves. In Basque there are many words to explain the action of expropriating the neighbor from his goodness: in addition to the thief, the thief, the arrogant, the thief… that linguistic diversity demonstrates the risk of losing things by someone’s will and how it was then to weave. The gypsy, besides the ladron, knows how to
make money:The gypsy
has bought
the bread for four
salaries and sold it to her friend.
Ai urdea, ai
urde birch Ai
urde handi
Ai urdea, ai urda Urde buhame handi.
The Bohemians were experts in trade and affairs. At least the character of the song made a nice benefit by selling the bread to his friend. They were known for their eagerness to spend their dexterity and to spend jokes. Foxes were never compared. They were the indoctrinating radiants that traveled the villages, the connoisseurs of many new routes, and they dispersed the lies and the verdities with surprise. Despite being marginalized, provoked, mocked, the
Basques liked the company of the bohemians to do some work that they could not do, such as the Zarés and the baskets: with wicker and with mihimen they had good hand. Spring rains took refuge in the sheds of houses, with a odor of soot attached to a bonfire emanating from the leather pores. Suits, shaman bones and warm soups were sought in return, and cow's milk was used to raise young children:
bohemians know how
to hide
under the scrubs making good broth.
George Bizet (1838-1875) is based on the well-known opera Carmen, which explains that the Bohemians had predictions and hobbies of guessing the future. The future was hungry, worried about the seriousness of everyday life. They knew how to read the lines of the hand, namely those on the right and those on the left, as if they owned the direction of the blind destination. So they earned enough to keep the big families -- tribes -- begging, with the grandfather, here, with the soda, there, in the sand with the word and the word.
know how to make a good deal
Yes and their children drink in Katilua… In 1802
Prefect Castellane ordered the huge raid of gypsies of Baiona and Maule to deport Louisiana to the American state. But as it was a war in the seas, they were distributed by France in hard working conditions, in special centres for the management of wives and children. If the resonances of the hatred of the gypsies of the scholar Francisque Michel (1809-1887) are still summed up when reading the book Le Pays Basque (1857), they achieved their full assimilation in the society of Iparralde, which
are already captive in the literature and the mascaradas.En in the 1960s, precisely when the hyppies raised the life of the interior bohemian
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Hasi dira maskaradak Zuberoan, urteroko tradizioari jarraiki. Alabaina, tradizioak aldatu daitezkeela erakutsi dute aurten Maulen: lehen aldiz, ez da buhamerik izango. Pertsonaia horiek ijitoak ziren, eta estereotipoetatik eta arrazakeriaz antzezten zirela salatu izan dute... [+]
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Zamaltzain, entseinari zein laborari aritua da Joimo Arantzet (Atharrazte, 1974) hainbat maskaradetan. Etxetik jaso du dantza, Zuberoan ohikoa izan den moduan, eta seme-alabei ere transmititu die dantzarekiko maitasuna eta gaitasuna. Etxekoei ez ezik baita inguruko hainbat... [+]
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2020an eman behar zuen Barkoxek maskarada Atarratzerekin batera.
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