The governance of France is becoming more and more difficult today. The current representatives of the two major parties that have managed the Hexagon’s policy over the past sixty years – Les Républicains (LR) and Parti Socialiste (PS) – will not have their “president” in the Elysées. Despite the right-wing defeat, François Fillon achieved 19.75% of the votes, while the PSC candidate, Benoît Hamon, was the most voted (6.2%). Although President François Hollande (PS) supported him, the PS was unable to prevent him from sinking into the sea. The representative of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon (19.45%), has decisively influenced the fall of the PS, but the left is not going to get the Elysée's command stick and, at this stage, it will no longer be able to govern.
Given the nature of the elections in the Western capitalist democratic system, inspired by the Trump phenomenon in the United States, the results of the polls in the French presidencies have not distorted the voters' vote intention. The fact is that the data from the surveys and the results of the vote have been very close. Of course, the usefulness of the votes, the useful vote, has not been useless. Emmanuel Macron has obviously been the main recipient of the most accessible voices. Likewise, Fillon, who passed the calvary during the campaign and the criticism, received a "lot" of votes: 20% of the votes. The percentage of Mélenchon is not that low, as it almost came out the same as Philon. Voters’ votes have been fairly calculated and calculated. The second extreme right-wing candidate, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (4.87% of the votes), has achieved almost five points of difference. In these cases, the usefulness of the votes has not been fulfilled, it may be thought that he has “taken” several ballots to Le Pen. The usability paradigm has been reflected in the HP candidate, Hamon. The far-right Dupont-Aignan has remained on par, and has barely exceeded 6% of his opponent’s votes. The other five have received the results announced: Jean Lassalle, 1.25%; Nathalie Arthaud, 0.67%; Philippe Poutou, 1.12%; François Asselineau, 0.92%; and Jacques Cheminade, 0.18%.
Marine Le Pen has won 7.5 million votes, the highest figure in its history, according to Efe’s estimates. Nicholas Dupont-Aignan about a million. The French extreme right is going up. Dupont-Aignan has not clarified whether in the second round he will request his vote in favour of Le Pen, who has been re-elected president. For his part, Mélenchon has not said whether he is going to vote for Macron. Both have left the decision in the hands of their supporters. All representatives of the other major parties have already given their opinion: Macron is your candidate. Some have said that they are not in favour of him, but against Le Pen, that the only option to save France’s dignity is for Macron to be the president. Everything seems to indicate that Emmanuel Macron will emerge victorious on 7 May, although he has had the support of the current establishment – the strongest option to secure France in Europe according to the financial powers – the representatives of France’s most historic and strong parties are not reassured for France’s future. After yesterday’s elections, France has been divided into four political blocs in which the country is divided. Governability has been guaranteed in bipartisanship. Macron may be president, but at the moment he does not have a single Member or a single Senator in the French Parliament, and he may be president. Le Pen's FN is hardly represented in high-level parliaments and bodies. At the moment, as you can see, France is divided. Those who are subject to the policy of the liberal patriot Macron on the one hand and those of French nationalism on the other. The legislative elections, the législatives, will be held in June. There are a lot of people going through the age of classic parties. However, they are aware of the danger they run by holding Macron to put the “barrage or the wall” on the National Front. The top representatives of PS and LR have called on Macron to vote on the second round, but basically, among the two worst options for them, they have voted “not so bad”. It seemed that the Grand Duke had just come from one moment to the next. The era of the Republic is over. France needs an extraordinary “revolution.” On the one hand, in order to solve the eleven problems it has in the formation of the State and, on the other, in order to regain its role and the role it has played in Europe, it has to recompose the political cohesion it has had for centuries.
"Gerrarte" sasoian, Frantziako Estatuko hauteskundeen lehenengo eta bigarren itzuliaren artean alegia, fenomeno interesgarri baten lekuko izan ginen, garbi islatzen duena Europan eskuin muturrak bizi duen egoera eta horren aurrean gainerako indar politikoek duten... [+]
Last week I bought new mountain shoes in a sports shop on this coast so big that I'm not going to name. I'm not an alpinist, I'm not blind in the fight for the tops, but a simple citizen fond of wandering the slopes: I like how my breath tears my lungs, let's say when I wake up in... [+]
At the time when I wrote this article, it has not yet been the second round of the French presidential elections. However, the polls suggest that Emmanuel Macron should be the new president of France. In Brussels they will be happy to have saved the second point of the year. As... [+]
Ipar Euskal Herrian ere atera da garaile Emmanuel Macron, botoen %76,52 lorturik. Abstentzioak, baliogabeko botoek eta boto zuriek ere presentzia handia ukan dute, orokorki, aurreko hauteskundeetan eta zehazkiago, lehen aldiz Le Pen bigarren itzulian kokatu zen 2002 urtean baino... [+]
Azken hamarkadetan ezkerraren barruan gertatzen ari dena "iraultzailea" da. Honen barruan topa dezakegun perfil soziologikoen arteko aurkakotasuna oso nabarmena da.
Emanuel Macron Frantziako V. Errepublikako zortzigarren presidentea atera da bigarren itzulitik. Haatik, ezustez beteriko ziklo elektorala ez da horretan bukatzen.
Hara, frantsesek hautatu dute datozen bost urteetan buruzagi gisa edukiko duten lehendakaria: adinez gaztea, bankari eta ministro ohia, suhi ideala askorentzat, kontraesanez betea, beldurgarria neurri handi batean erreforma drastikoak eramango dituelako ekonomia eta sozial... [+]
Emmanuel Macron da Frantziako presidente berria, hautesleen bozen %65,5 jasota. Marine Le Penek, berriz, %34,2 boz bildu ditu. Macronek 20,7 milioi herritar inguratu ditu eta Le Penek 11. Sei milioi hautesle abstenitu dira.
Estimazioak baina ez dira artean, baina Le Penek ez ditu espero zuen bozen %40 jaso, %35era ez da heldu. Alta bada, hamaika milioi boz bildu du FNk. Auschwitz ahaztu dute frantziarrek, neoliberalismoa garaitu da.
Frantziako presidentetzarako kanpaina fini da eta gogoetatzeko unea heldu. Igandeon argituko da dilema: Macron ala Le Pen. Alea jacta est (Dadoak botata daude). Macron presidente. Ala ez?
Zundaketek informazio kuantitatiboa ematen badute, ez dute elementu kualitatiborik salatzen. Frantziako lehendakaritzako hauteskunde hauetan omnipresente diren zundaketen arabera Marine Le Pen izanen da bigarren itzuliko galtzailea. Xenofobiari emandako erantzuna, parte-hartzea,... [+]