Historical. On 7 April it was a very important day in the history of the modern Basque conflict, when ETA announced that it had handed over its weapons to civil society. It's hard to write this, but it's like this. ETA is an unarmed organization. In 8, disarmament was supported in Baiona.
Consensus. There is no consensus, there is a lack of pp and PPU. However, the greatest political consensus ever achieved on the conflict has been achieved. The PSE, which is part of a government that has supported disarmament, has called on the Basque Government to cooperate with it from the Basque Parliament and has called on the governments of Madrid and Paris not to obstruct disarmament. All parties in Ipar Euskal Herria are also present, except the FN.
The Basque institutions. The participation of the Basque Government in disarmament is key, but the support of the Government of Navarre and the Single Community of Iparralde also increases its political and symbolic strength. This confluence between the vast majority of Basque society and institutions was unknown in the context of the peace process.
The peace process. Now what? We must now call for the peace process, which is disappearing, to continue. The next steps should be taken in the area of prisoners, both in the humanitarian and in the area of rapprochement. The end is being more messy than orderly, but it looks like it's going, and that's what's important. Revenge continues to dance, especially with the prisoners; it will be important that the pressure of society continues so that it does not last longer than it should. How long ago? Nobody knows.
And. His disappearance now becomes the new fetish. And if this happens, then there will be something else, it always happens. If ETA has to do so, and even if it is within its logic, do so as soon as possible, as the past of time does nothing but erode, weaken and erode this process.
Report. If, as before, you want to delve into the theory of winners and losers, this effort has a short journey. If you want to summarize the armed and political conflict of this last century by saying to the left Abertzale “they did it wrong and accepted it” – and made a plot wrong – the consensus of the past will be very scarce. Complex phenomena cannot be traced back with simple and interested explanations. Each of the parties will have their own story, but there may also be a common part: it will depend on the conversation.
A political problem. Why was ETA created? Why should it continue? Has it been a liberation institution? A terrorist organization? Has Basque society always seen the same thing? Obviously not. Everything has to do with the story, but, although all this is channelled and resolved, the political problem is there: How can the future of Euskal Herria be developed in Spain and France? How can the relationship between their territories be developed? What and how do the Basques decide?
Society. ETA has delivered weapons to civil society, also symbolically. It cannot be more epic. Fiction or reality? You can look at how everyone wants to see, that is where the strength of this form of disarmament lies. In any case, the society of Ipar Euskal Herria, and at the tip of the toe the artisans of peace, have once again shown to the society of Hegoalde the importance of acting with open, free and courageous forms of mind.
Josu Urrutikoetxearen aurka bi auzi iragan behar dira aste huntan Pariseko auzitegi korrekzionalean. Biak ere ETA talde armatuko kide izateagatik dira, baina mementu desberdinetan.
Astelehen eta astearte honetan Parisen epaitzen ari dira David Pla eta Iratxe Sorzabal. ETAko kide eta ordezkari izatea, armak eta dokumentu faltsuak eta propaganda materiala izatea leporatzen diete.