They have received a lot of firewood in Madrid for asking that the case of the young people of Alsasua be tried in Navarre, but the Audience of Navarre has also pedido.Este if they should never leave Room
3 of the Audience of Pamplona.Lo logical is that an attempt has been made to politicize a bar fight. In the end, the Moorish laws that the PP has made – in this case the Penal Code – leave the crime of terrorism very vague and that is why anyone can be accused.
What impression do you have of the proposals of the PSOE and the PNV to reform the Mordaza Act?
Cancel this to return to Corcuera Ley? That is not what we want. We will start working with associations such as No We Are Crimes to make the necessary corrections and not return to previous legislation, but to legislation that protects the rights of citizens.
At the congress held in Vistalegre (Madrid), the risk of split was, in the view of many, true. How did you see the situation?
I do not think there has been any danger of disruption. Those of us who sign up decided on Podemos and that's a great tool. When so many people vote, it's hard to screw up.
Well, the tension skyrocketed, and there were people talking about the danger of rupture, both outside and inside.
Yes, the moments before Vistalegre were very tense and many times words were used that should never be used with respect to their peers. In this sense, Miguel Urban got the message right: “The enemy is out, not inside.” We can discuss it and have different opinions, but we must always take everything in the right environment. We still lack a little political culture.
The epicenter of the Podemos earthquake has also been located in the state capital. These struggles are constantly being rushed. The victory of
Pablo Iglesias has helped heal the wounds, as the new direction welcomes the people of the team of Iñigo Errejón: Errejón himself, Pablo Bustinduy, Aide Honorato… Miguel Urban de los Anticapitalistas.El system of representation is also present and punished the anti-capitalist with 13% of the votes, but only two of the
62 people chosen for the management have been elected.
I do not think that in a context of primary care we can talk about punishments, even more so when differences have been taken into account and we want to look just forward. They also have other spaces, in Madrid, in Andalusia… I think they can defend their position.
Three years is nothing in a party's life. You were born in the street but you are only at risk of falling into the institutional path, the issue has also been dealt with in Vistalegre. How can we avoid this?
On the one hand, in Vistalegre we drew a very important conclusion: the importance of the municipal level. When we went to the municipal elections, many gave less importance to this area, but here we are demonstrating that the power we have before us is powerful and that we will take it to the government tomorrow dezakeguna.Bestetik. In order to dismantle this whole fabric, we will have to intensify the strategies: the institutional path, the great mobilizations on the street and the good professionals.
Is the street going off?
I believe that people have been mobilised again, because they see that institutional work is not enough. It is clear to us, even if the institution is strong, if it does not have a strong counterpart on the street, we will not be able to change the power relations in our country.
If Pedro Sánchez wins the PSOE primaries, you will again have people ready to agree with him.
In the party we have debated how to get to power, but I think the approach of the people looking at Podemos’s PSOE has been exaggerated. That has been more than the media game around the world. However, if Pedro Sánchez had wanted to agree with us to deal with austerity policies, he would have done so before.
Do the parties that support the Government of Navarra also support the foreign government in Madrid?
With EH Bildu, we do things together, for example the Altsasu theme. We have a hand, but their representatives are from Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, there is no other representative of the government of change in Madrid, which makes it difficult for the foral government to work.
If a unilateral referendum is held in Catalonia, is there an atmosphere in Madrid that would allow autonomy to be dissolved?
We have come to a time when neither the government of pp nor Junts Pel do know what the next step is going to be. They both thought that at this point, they would be about to negotiate on the other side. If we were in government, we would have been negotiating for a long time.
In Navarre we are not in a similar situation…
Not yet…
… but if we were, would you see fit to make a referendum here too?
Our project is plurinational and in the Constitution we would accept the right to decide of the territories, whether for Navarre, the Basque Country or whatever. That is what we will always defend.
His CAV colleagues said in the last election campaign that an institution of permanent relationship with Navarre should be encouraged. What do you think?
I believe that we need to deepen our relations with the schools around us, even more so if they live in situations similar to ours. I don't know exactly what was proposed, but anything that can serve to deepen relationships is good.
Migratory processes towards Europe will be increasing. How can we cope with this phenomenon without falling into the xenophobia that is taking place in many places?
We must show who is to blame for the economic crisis, and Podemos has done so. In addition, we must open up legal and safe avenues to those who come, that is the practice. It is being forced to die at sea with the current methods of arrival.
What assessment does the Government make of the change in Navarre?
The assessment is positive. The Quartet is working well, the government is stable and we have to work so that we can repeat it again in the next legislature. But in the next legislature, I'd like to continue under our leadership with change.
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Giza Eskubideen Europako Auzitegiak ez du aintzat hartu Altsasuko gazteek epaiketa bidezkoa izan zuten aztertzeko eskakizuna. Auzipetutako gazteetako batek, Iñaki Abadek, eman du jakitera berria.