In Western society sovereignty and independence are continually valued, but if we open up a little the point of view we will realize that in one age of life, in another, we have all had the need for others, such as childhood or old age. We have to think that not only because of age, but also because of an accident or illness we may need others at any time. We should blur the idea of the dependent person and recognize that we all need each other, and that we all have a right to a healthy sex life.
Also people with functional diversity, of course. As for sex, thoughts and attitudes about them are dark and caring. Society assaults them, and we cannot forget that we are all sexualized people. They don't know many times how to live sexuality, and we help them empower us and take their sexual experiences. Sexuality is changing throughout life, experiences and sensations give the opportunity to know and learn, and that is what we must favor people with functional diversity.
Standardization and inclusion are at hand. It is necessary to recognize that there are plurality of realities and thousands of variants. In society, we have a lot to learn by pulling this line of work, for example, accepting non-normative bodies, taking into account prostheses and different levels of mobility, expanding the possibilities of sexual behavior, taking into account the integrity of the body or comprehending sensuality more comprehensively besides sexuality.
It is also important to work with families and schools. In fact, overprotection can limit your sexuality. They are often given no space for intimacy or forbidden to know their bodies. With people with intellectual disabilities, for example, the alarm is quickly created when they masturbate in public or touch their genitals. But if it does not have intimacy, it will hardly be able to distinguish between public and private space. That is why we believe it is essential to teach users not only the importance of intimacy, but also their relatives or relatives.
In general, the proposal is generally well received; families are very afraid and the process is often very liberating and enriching because they see progress. Let's say nothing for the assets themselves. From the moment they are accepted as people, they begin a process of empowerment and are formed through their bonds and experiences with sex.
In recent years the figure of sexual partners has been claimed, demand is high and, as a result, more and more services are being created. However, it is not regulated here. There is a lack of knowledge and awareness. Plurality is considered rare, resulting in marginalization and invisibility. In some European countries such as Sweden, Germany, Belgium or the Netherlands this work was approved several decades ago, most of the time it is subsidised with public money or is integrated into public health. We have a lot to do.
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