In autumn 2015, at the age of 40, Maider López (Donostia-San Sebastián, 22 March 1975) returned home with an exhibition in the Koldo Mitxelena room, a review of the work of the last ten years. It's not retrospective, but it's the way to put your work in touch to see them in a whole, to detect constants, to perceive intentions.
Fulya Erdemci wrote: “Maider López will make us see what happens when the order of things changes, moves or changes. Through small details related to everyday life, the spaces around us or normal interpersonal relationships, he will direct our eyes to the structure or order of things. In this way, it will make us understand that everyone is vulnerable and that it could be otherwise.”
He created a jam in Intza, filled with a red towel in Itzurun, organized a football championship in the chickens. Simple transformations all, subtle but spectacular at the same time. Our reality, which seems so stubborn and robust, is changing and pure.
On 23 January 2016, Iturria was inaugurated as part of the inauguration programme of the European Capitality of Culture. The artist installed his installation in the gardens of Ondarreta: 13 sources removed from the street.
Not common: In the exhibition of Koldo Mitxelena, before his installation, the artist showed the documentation used in the preparation of the installation Fuentes: what were the 13 sources, the reason and the year of their removal, as well as their location.
These are issues that are difficult to measure in another way: the influence of urbanism on our lives, the ability of public space to make people, how they build us as people and as collectives.
Behin batean, gazterik, gidoi nagusia betetzea egokitu zitzaion. Elbira Zipitriaren ikasle izanak, ikastolen mugimendu berriarekin bat egin zuen. Irakasle izan zen artisau baino lehen. Gero, eskulturgile. Egun, musika jotzen du, bere gogoz eta bere buruarentzat. Eta beti, eta 35... [+]
This text comes two years later, but the calamities of drunks are like this. A surprising surprise happened in San Fermín Txikito: I met Maite Ciganda Azcarate, an art restorer and friend of a friend. That night he told me that he had been arranging two figures that could be... [+]
On Monday afternoon, I had already planned two documentaries carried out in the Basque Country. I am not particularly fond of documentaries, but Zinemaldia is often a good opportunity to set aside habits and traditions. I decided on the Pello Gutierrez Peñalba Replica a week... [+]