From scratch, the rich white people built an empire, Sillicon Valley, start-ups, Nazi conferences. We are still at the forefront of talking about entrepreneurship and business creation. But at a time when difficulties in finding work are so common, there are not many who think about starting a project of their own by bringing life and work together. All of this, however, has lacked resources and references to develop it beyond the neo-liberal approach. Yes, at least until recently.
In 2015, the Beterri-Buruntzaldeko Kooperatzen and Bergarekin Berrekin Berregin initiatives were launched, based on the same concern in the different districts. This year they have joined, they have also spread to Oarsoaldea and created the Koop Factory: Programme for the promotion of the new social economy and social entrepreneurship. Or what's more earthly: a tool to help and network those who want to launch projects to transform society and their lives.
The Koop Factory is the result of the mutual understanding of the different agents and the exchange of objectives. The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, under the patronage of Lanki, the OlatuKoop network of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Bagara, the regional development agency Debagoiena, the municipalities of Beterri-Buruntzaldea and the development agency Oarsoaldea are working together.
Aran Erasun:
“The workshop has given me an emotional context to start something new”
Arianne Kareaga, a member of the Lanki Research Centre, states that the programme has been divided into three phases. The first has focused on training, which is underway from February to April. In it, the participants combine theoretical sessions with practical sessions to deepen the intentions of the project. This section is divided into three areas, but they often meet all for several visits and sessions. In a second phase, starting in April, specific monitoring and monitoring of projects will be carried out to facilitate the transition from idea to action. Finally, in the third phase, the creation of networks between the transforming economic operators of each region will be pursued. With this, they intend to offer meeting and collaboration spaces, as well as to help take steps towards a more organized alternative economy.
There is a difference
There is a difference. This is what the motto of this first edition of Koop Fabrika says. He has been chosen for dissociating himself from the current entrepreneurship model, according to BEÑAT Irasuegi, a member of the Olatukoop platform. “The model that is driven in most areas is that of individual success, which allows you to create a great idea and enrich it in a quick time. But it's a lie. We believe that based on the needs of the territories, workers may become aware of their work and build their lives in a dignified manner.” To this end, it considers it essential to work on the social dimension of the projects, to do so collectively and to collaborate with other projects.
The times of social and collective projects are not always short. Therefore, in addition to working on the viability of the projects, another element is analyzed: habitability. “Many of the projects our students are going to create will be their own life projects, and care and solidarity among members need to be worked out.”
Irasuegi has considered that another characteristic of the gap is the importance they attach to the networks throughout the process. “In traditional entrepreneurship it is the market that sustains or eliminates the project. But we believe that if the project responds to a need, it will find in the local network and in the social market a space to work viability and habitability”.
The importance of the emotional context
“I didn’t expect the accompaniment to be so close. In addition, starting from the social economy comes very well for us, because our idea is only understood from that point of view.” These are words of Paloma Alicia Martinez. Born in Mexico and residing in Aretxabaleta, he is a member of the Gu Haziak Gara association, which works for inclusion. He registered at the Koop Factory because they are about to create a company dedicated to insertion. In addition to the training received, he is pleased with the decision made because it has given him a space and time to work on the project.
Hernaniarra Aran Erasun also participates in this first edition of Koop Fabrika. The project it has at hand is a program to empower women through coaching and associated training. He says he has offered him the means (methodological, theoretical…) to concretize and enrich the project, but not only that. “It has also given me the emotional context necessary to immerse me in a phase of change like this and start something new. It’s very useful that all of us who participate listen to each other and share the way.”
Tutors' training
This year’s edition is the first, but everything points out that it will not be the last. People with project support capacity will be essential if it is to be extended to more regions. They have therefore also launched a short course on “training tutors and tutors”. In total, 30 people work on it. These include municipal technicians and staff from development agencies, but also members of small societies and cooperatives. Kareaga believes that this is a very important initiative. “They have their own experiences and we can learn many lessons from them. Furthermore, receiving training in some areas and widening the debate is always enriching. We have the feeling that in the future we are sowing networks to sew and take steps towards more articulated cooperation”.
What was initiated in three counties seems to be going to be extended shortly, as the requests of the agents concerned and the counties have already been received. However, Irasuegi believes that it can be developed differently in each region and that, probably, that is the best of all. “I imagine the Koop Factory of the future as a network of economic and social relations that are going to be created in the place.”
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