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Phenomenon in rotation

  • “Modern life makes us blind to the effects of the moon. What was a myth, science has tested it later. In fact, every day we can see real effects on our lives,” says writer and farmer Michel Gros. We see the moon every day, but do we know it?
Ilustrazioa: Izaro Mariezkurrena
Ilustrazioa: Izaro Mariezkurrena
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Alkartasuna Cooperative, the Agriculture and Organic Food Council of ENEEK and ARGIA have produced a Lunar Calendar focusing on evidence that the Moon affects the Earth. “The earth is the foundation of everything. The land is the one that cultivates the orchards and the animals. If you work with nature, we’ll get quality products,” they say. The calendar advises how and when to cultivate the land and orchards from the influence of the moon and the sun.

The full moon is often sought, but the processes are more effective: growing and diminishing. On the Crescent Moon, when the Moon is filling, the strength of the Sun and the Moon is increasing. In the orchard, the ground would take strength and is suitable for sowing, cutting the grass, curing, harvesting the fruit, etc. On the Wandering Moon, when the Moon empties, the force descends and the roots are strengthened. It's time to plant, prune, cut, manure and cultivate land.

And in our bodies, does the moon influence?

The French writer Michel Gros publishes annually the book Calendrier lunaire. It explains how the Moon influences different areas: tides, plants, animals... and among them in the human body: “The moon conditions the tides, but also our desire, instinct and humor.”

Gros offers several examples. He says that in the days before the plenilunium the body's melatonin hormone is reduced, which eliminates sleep. In fact, sleep-related brain activity is reduced by 30 percent. He adds that we will notice the cycles of the Moon depending on the sensitivity of each one.

Just as the Lunar Calendar emphasizes the times of pruning plants, Gros has highlighted the good days for cutting hair. If you cut on a wandering moon, it will cost you more to return: “Hair removal on a proper day can lengthen the hair growth process for two weeks.” It has followed the same logic as hair with nails.

In the case of surgical interventions, Gros says that the incidence of the moon will be reflected in the healing process. Relate each part of the body to a zodiac symbol. The Moon will stimulate a section at each time and make it more effective. “If they are not urgent and you can choose the date, we advise that it be intrinsic to the moon. It will bring better healing and faster healing.” He says it also serves to give massages.

Feeding: Seasonal

Another element to consider is feeding, as we do not accept food in the same way in different cycles. “On the Moon we better digest,” he says. It also invites us to eat the seasonal. “By controlling food you will control your body.”

He's also written about emotions. On the New Moon, the brain has greater self-control, with a predominance of instinct and naturalness. Physical energy will also be reduced. In the Half Full Moon, subjectivity and creativity will be present at the event. The body will be more receptive: food, wisdom... The Full Moon, it's the moment of consciousness and reflection; it's going to produce a lot physically. On the Wandering Moon stands out objectivity and action. He advises to take advantage of detoxification.

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