You are Italian but since 1990 you have lived in Barcelona. How does childhood remember?
Forgive me, but I am no longer Italian. Twenty years of monoculture from Berlusconi destroyed the people and will not be able to recover it. I'm Turin, and adolescence was very hard there, more than childhood. The closure of Fiat was a black context; I would say that Bilbao also experienced a situation similar to that of Turin. It happened in many places, the industrial cities went down, the hearings we organized to end the massive layoffs of companies were useless, and as if it were not enough, heroin got into the bowels of society… I had learned French and as soon as I turned 18 I went to France.
France to Catalonia. Why did you choose Barcelona?
Being an activist in Italy was very hard. Mafias and corruption leave no room for activism. There you fight, but you fail over and over again. I had to leave France for personal problems and I was clear that I came to Barcelona from the very beginning. Here the struggle brings results. Anyway, I read a lot about the anarchist movement here, and as I got there, I saw that this was going to be my home.
Four years after your arrival in Barcelona, you created the place you propose for the interview: Conservas Company.
I fled France because my partner was sticking to me. In Barcelona I had nothing, a single friend and a great desire to be free and to shape all my projects, yes. I didn't know anybody else and I was looking for houses and places to act, and by chance, I picked up a family heritage and decided to buy this space, from the company Conservas. It has two floors; on the top I arranged the house and on the ground floor, the theater. I lived here seven years. Gradually I got to meet people and organize several cycles. Eventually, it became a reference space.
Art accompanies you as a child, and activism since when?
Since I've had memory, it's natural. My family was completely politicized, and I shrunk into that environment. For example, although I was an atheist from a young age, at school I went to religious classes to bring my claims into the classroom. Poor professor of mine!
Let's go back to Barcelona. When and how did Xnet emerge?
In 2006, I was censored by a video I made about housing. It was a great success and La Caixa asked Youtube to override it. This was the fact that drove me to fight for free culture. It changed my life: I discovered that the network was the way for the activism and democracy of the future. As a result of that reflection, I began to look for a group that would help me embody the Xnet Project. Among the initiatives we launched, in the M15 it was proposed to audit the bankers, and the case of Rodrigo rato seemed tremendous to me. We set a timetable and we started to work.
You have uncovered some cases of corruption, such as black cards. What do you think of the judgment that has just come out?
I was pleased by the judgment, but not by the fact that there was no admission to pre-trial detention. It is clear that it is a privilege that those in good house have at hand. Well, the greatest satisfaction with the sentence is that the calendar that I wrote at that time is being fulfilled. In 2014 I expected time to lose prestige and was fulfilled; and in 2017 I expected a prison sentence, which has also been complied with. We are happy because we have seen that it is worth fighting and although the means you published tend to undermine our work, it is we who have made this matter public.
Will the sentence be complied with? Although Urdangarin's sentence gave a six-year prison sentence, it will be released...
The sentence is very quiet. It came out on the same day as Urdangarin to cover up the rest of the corruptions, and the prosecutor left out some of the crimes we had discovered. It is therefore open and it is possible that at the end of this process there will also be an acquittal. We accept the situation and will continue to work until the last day to prevent the story they want to impose from spreading to society.
He was second to Match X on the lists for the 2014 European elections. How did you experience it?
Television has a huge force, and Podemos had the support of television. It was a good strategy, but beware, you stole a space you've never had. None of Podemos was at M15; 10% are good people, but the rest are people who do not feel well satisfied with social movements. Well, we were innocent because we believed in electoral law. But we're very happy with the experiment, because we learned a lot.
What is Match X now?
We do not intend to re-run the elections, but the party is alive. Our challenge is for the structure to be a model of change. And that is that party structures are prepared to direct politicians towards personal selfishness. So we were anonymous until we were forced to present the list. We will continue to work to keep alive the model that the democracy of the future needs.
“Txikia nintzenetik onkeriatik urruti ikusi dut nire burua. 18 urte nituenean unibertsitatean izena emateko puntuan egon nintzen, eta batxilergoko azken azterketa ezin hobeki egin nuen arren, irakasleek zazpi puntu kendu zizkidaten ‘erakundeenganako begirunerik ez izateagatik’. Sekulako faborea egin zidaten, horri esker utzi bainuen Italia. Bartzelona aukeratu nuen bizitoki, artearen eta aktibismoaren sorlekurik aberatsena baita. Azken hamarkadetan erronkak finkatu eta ase ditut, aurreikusitako epeak beteta. Baina oraindik ere lapur gehiegi dago kartzelan sartzeko eta, beraz, justiziak jartzen dituen traben gainetik, ustelkeria auziak biluzten jarraituko dut lanean”.
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