Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

I'd better get married

  • Before, the parents, if we take into account the film Amama as it is today, determined the fate of each of the children who were born to them: one was from home, child, another for the church, the rest was called to enter the army and settle on distant lands or in the neighborhood. The Basque we referred to today became a monk, but on the way they changed their intentions: The force of love!
Irudia: Ainara Azpiazu
Irudia: Ainara Azpiazu "Axpi"

According to the versions, the lyrics of the song that starts with the words of Txiki Txiki or Gazte Gaztetik were collected by Azkue in Baztan at the beginning of the twentieth century, forming the Basque People's Cancionero. The melody picked it up from the mouth of Miguel Esteban Gortari. Throughout the 1940s, Father Donostia also heard a couple of very penetrating verses to Agustín de Lakarra, from Putxu Village of Azkaine.

The boy who speaks these beautiful and joyful coplas was sent to Salamanca, in the florida of the age, to perform his ecclesiastical or friars studies, as they had adulterated or decided upon, after a family council. From the Basque Country, the counties of Baztan or Xareta, the road to Salamanca could be long. We can imagine young people in herd, singers, provocateurs and bertsolaris. But without too many worries.

As a young man, my father
and mother discovered me
and sent me
to the studio
in Salamanca.

Many religious and priests from the Basque Country studied cutting-edge theology in the capital of the region of Castile and León in Spain. The Douro River continues to pass through an area of splendor. Salamanca developed in the Roman era and became a great celebrity in 1218, when he founded the baptized university Alfonso de León IX.ak, Estudio General de Salamanca. In it, humanistic studies were carried out, following the philosophy of Erasmus. A song shows us that the Basques were also heading there, but on that continuous path could happen what happened:

I was
going to Salamanca, when I
I should marry the high
school student.

From the Middle Ages to today, students love to celebrate the party. They were in bands or musical groups, with the word “tunante”, in addition, in Spanish, an idea of picaresco scammer. The students were not honest, silent, humble, serious, but quite the opposite. Another great Basque had also eroded the soles of the pants in the lintels of the university of Salamanca: Pedro de Azpilkueta, alias Axular, of Urdax, to mention but him.

In a nice inn,
where I had
been hungry, a cute girl
served me on the

He uses the imaginary of sacred books after dreaming of paradise, condemned to hell by simple gaze. The concepts of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise were established in the 14th century by order of Pope Benedict XII and in writing of the great Dante

It didn't happen to Axular (1556-1664) the same as to our character, who spikes self-fication in verse. He didn't stay in a modest inn and didn't drop out of school for a pair of sweet eyes. He delved into the theology courses of the convent of the Augustinians of Urdax, even more so by signing a deal with the devil in the Salamanca Valley, bleeding, if popular belief is taken into account. Because the knowledge of this unique Fausto of the Basque Country was great, a source of all the ghosts of the people. Cervantes also mentioned the magic of that Salamanca Cave.

In 1643, Sara's parish priest reinforced the path of Basque literature. Later he published the collection of reflections with the permission of the bishop of Bordeaux Etxauz. When one reads still, and always for ironic pleasure, the scholarship of the 16th century is seen, in addition to the lustrous living variety of the Basque Country. It is to be assumed that the Saratis were glorating listening to the sermons on Sundays, the shining examples, the cultured references, the notes that were translated from Latin and Greek and that they were poured one after the other among the incense aromas.

He tried with the devil but did not taste the fascinating tracts and forms that crazed the bertsolari.

The passionate eyes, the lip
covered with flowers, speaking
with me effortlessly, that angel
was at the same
time in my heart.

Apparently, the student immediately fell in love with the bar waitress. It gives us the image of a beautiful girl in precise terms. We imagine a happy one, with a clear smile and with a natural joy. They are agile, optimistic, filled with pleasure, easy to sing and memorizing. The young man, who gave up his future, sold the serum before the cheese, for which a couple had formed, without the young woman having to give her vision.

I told her in the ear that
I loved her
with half
a word, but the poor, the
shy, escaped.

When the young man accused him of love, such as bamboo, starting from the zero degree of mutual knowledge, the lovely woman was frightened as if she had seen the evil old devil of Axular. We know that Jagoi is not difficult to recognize love for someone, that then there are problems to create and develop. And with the time we lose after that, poetry, verses, stories and novels have been produced.

In the head of the game between love and doubt, the friar of Baztan, Urdazubi or Sara, picked up a huge scandal: the girl was frightened and fled, leaving a brave lover with a full mouth:

Don't tell me, beautiful star, that
condemns me to hell!
Your appearance will never
fade from my

Faced with the young woman’s shy refusal, the young man had no choice but to return to the most elementary beliefs: Father God or Lord Celestial are there to enjoy broken hearts. You see yourself in the place of San Pedro, the ranger:

If the Father God had
made me the
key of heaven, then I
would know whom to
open the door.

The model of theological composition of the family drawn by the Council of Lateran of 1250 had been introduced into the population: a man (Josef), a woman (Mary) and a child (Jesus), was the family of those times. The model has been maintained until today

The imagination of sacred books is used here after dreaming of paradise, which has been condemned to hell by simple glance. The concepts of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise were established in the 14th century by order of Pope Benedict XII and in writing of the great Dante. The Basque who was going to study theology knew what the distribution of the different times since death was, as well as most of the citizens who listened to the sermons.

In the 17th century in the Basque Country, the sons of the lords of the house, as in many other places, studied in many houses of priests. In addition, Erasmus and Thomas Aquinas had set the place of life on this device. The model of theological composition of the family drawn by the Council of Lateran of 1250 had been introduced into the population: a man (Josef), a woman (Mary) and a child (Jesus), was the family of those times. The model has been maintained until today, when in 2013 same-sex marriage was discussed in the Basque Country, until the moment when the most so-called scenes were growing.

The young man who had abandoned the project of becoming a student was thus clear to whom and in what order he should open the doors of heaven:

First my father, then
my mother
and then
my brother, and then silently,
my beautiful beloved.

He would not, however, sacrifice the essence of his family to give preference to the shy maid of that cute inn that secretly drew his heart. It was the reward of paradise.

Although many groups and charanges offer it, Amaia Zubiria and Txomin Artola made a version of this song on the album Lewis-Lore-Sorta 1, making the accordion bleach the mouths and bring out all the juice of joy that brings the essence of the words. It was published in 1991 at Elkar House. It's not yesterday's. We understand that it has not caught a single wrinkle.

The song gives the joy of living to the listener, and to the one who is making the words joyful as the mouth is giving. Mothers whispered to the children, lovers looked at each other, loners despised themselves.

The boy had suffered a blow with the flight of the young man, but it was up to him to go ahead. To appease Salamanca. Or I would find her in the first city, where she would make her diary, away from the churches and close to possible sources of love.

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