This time we haven't been called to record the police... I already imagine someone in an office: “These ARGIA’s are a little deflictive and, of course, they will complain when they receive aid.” Well, this time it's not just ARGIA, among them are Topatu,, Hala Bedi and Ekinklik media and the Eleak/Libre movement. Video reports ‘Recording is not
a crime’ are already underway. The way is being narrowed when it comes to freely telling what happens in public spaces and the actions of public officials both internationally and locally. The Moorish Law has already been unfortunately known to us and the right of journalists, such as citizens, to record or disseminate these activities has been called into question. From that base, the video reports that we will be able to watch this month under the name Record is not a crime.
I'm a journalist on Boulevard de Donostia! That I am a journalist!”, I remember a colleague who had to go to the National High Court for publishing images of a public act in the Gazte Topagune, I cannot forget the case of journalists who received the warning that they would apply the Mordaza Law to record more police, or the member who will be judged for publishing images of a police operation in various tweets. Blows. Fines. To report on what's going on in the street or what the police are doing. The strategy of fear in the fondo.La
audiovisual collection is based on collaboration to deal with fear and has a clear objective: to talk about the issue and to know the limitations that the law imposes on us as rights we have as citizens and journalists, so that nobody doubts to ignite the camera and so that journalists can do our work freely. Two of the four reports have been published, and the other two will be published on the next two Monday, working on different aspects of the topic.
Santi Cobosen ahozko testigantzan oinarrituta, espetxearen erretratu bat da Zigor Olabarriaren Txori Urdinak liburua. Santi Cobosek (Leon, Gaztela, 1968) bizitzaren erdia eman du preso. Pairatu ditu torturak, jipoiak, muturreko isolamendua, FIES sailkapena; burutu ditu ihes... [+]