Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Emancipated mourning in Toplés

  • Vaduz (Liechtenstein), August 1892. Princess Pauline Metternich and Countess Kielmannsegg faced a clash of swords. It was not the first duel against two women, they were mentioned as such since the middle of the seventeenth century in France, and in England, a century earlier, in 1792, the first had been done, between lady Almeria Braddock and Mrs. Elphinstone, to resolve the debate on the age of the first.
Emile Bayard-en margoetan oinarritutako estereografiak, gerritik gora biluzik 
dauden emakumeak dueluan irudikatzen dituztenak. (Irudia: R.K. Bonine)
Emile Bayard-en margoetan oinarritutako estereografiak, gerritik gora biluzik dauden emakumeak dueluan irudikatzen dituztenak. (Irudia: R.K. Bonine)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

And yet, Vaduz’s had a great echo and they called him “the first emancipated mourning.” In addition to the two contestants, their substitutes and collaborators were women, and also Baroness Lubinska who organized and led the duel. Lubinska himself ordered the swords to undress before starting to shake their guns. This detail probably attracted the public, rather than the emancipation of women.

According to eyewitnesses, all the formalities, including the traditional attempt at reconciliation and subsequent challenge, were strictly adhered to in the mourning. The two ladies were thrown into battle and, after marching, a violent movement of the princess caused the countess to bleed through the nose (although we were not informed of the winner of the mourning, the winner should be Pauline Metternich, who was the first to shed blood on her opponent). Princess Metternich, shocked by the damage caused, fell off the sword and took her hands to her face. Kielmannsegg took this moment to rush and cut her forearm to the princess. When they saw the blood, their substitutes fainted. The men and women who were around them were instructed to stop at a certain distance and not to look at the mourning. But when they heard the lamentations of the women, they approached them, ready to help them. Baroness Lubinska found that men’s servants had other intentions and attacked them with the umbrella, “Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look, impure!”

Those women did not raise their breasts to draw attention. Not to dirty or scratch their expensive dresses. At that time, medical women were not common, but Lubinska had the title of a doctor and, in addition, the experience of caring for the wounded on the battlefield. He knew perfectly well that tissue remains increased the risk of infection in the wounds and ordered that the health of the contestants be monitored.

So, they had good reasons to take their clothes off the waist. Not so good to call the grief itself: apparently, the disagreement between the two women was provoked by the floral decorations for a musical performance that was being organized.

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