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Readers asking

  • Hi Jakoba. I've got the pink on a side of the balcony. I had already thought of pruning in March, but I've seen that he's started coming up with new challenges. Should it be postponed? And how could the rosebush be? Arantza Arrue, Andoain

Hello, Arantza. There are many kinds of rosales or roses: climbing, long flowering, that only bloom once a year... If you have it in the scissor, I guess it'll be a short, long-distance rosebush. I say this in order to hold them in March, but in general. The most important thing is to do it when new outbreaks appear. This indicates that a new sweat has moved. That sweat will suddenly close the wounds you've made during pruning.

Pruning is recommended because the thread is climbing (kiwi, grape, etc.). as). These short rosales are usually vacated in the foot. Above this vaccine it is recommended to have between 2 and 4 strong branches. They are cut at a short distance, at most by a long palm. So the rosebush will always be young, renewed, resilient, and the flowers will also be stronger.

So important is fertilization as this work is. If you want a good flourishing, feed him. Give and give. Best organic manure: manure, luar or compost. And repeat fertilizer in spring and summer.

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