The sociolaboral association Josenea works in the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants. On the banks of the Irati River, the plants of Josenea jump from their lands at the site of Bordablanca in Lumbier (Navarra) to our catacles, mostly in the form of infusions, but also in the form of other products such as seasonings, chocolate, essential oils or cosmetic products.
The Social Labour Association Josenea was established in 2002. From the beginning he opted for organic production and all the varieties of plants, shrubs and trees in his land are produced in this way. Josenea has the seal of the Council of Organic Agricultural Production of Navarra NNPEK.
As respect for the environment is one of the pillars of the partnership, infrastructures are designed and built in a special way in the Lumbier area: they exclusively use renewable energy for the cultivation of plants (wind and photoboltaic). To heat the dryers, for example, they take advantage of solar heat during the day and biomass by boiler during the night.
fight against social exclusion has been the main feature of the Josenea project since its inception. To this end, in collaboration with the Navarro Employment Service and the Navarro Institute for Social Welfare, the association works with people with difficulties in accessing the job. The idea is to offer tools to groups with problems finding employment, as a bridge or trampoline for workers. Some twenty people are employed in the process of social integration, and with the help and training received by the Josenea technicians, most of those who travel there find access to the world of work (in 2015 about 90%, according to the association).
“The union between the ecological and the social is perfect, because respect for nature and people converge,” the association says.
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