In addition, Yamazaki has located the collection of Plinius comics in ancient Rome. Although the relationship between the Roman Empire and Japan seems rather rare, according to the author there are several parallels between the two worlds: “Polytheistic spiritual context, communal toilets, capacity to take advantage of external cultural contributions...”. In addition, the discovery of Roman coins at Katsu Castle in Okinawa last September has raised numerous questions about the relations between the Roman Empire and former Japan.
Ihes plana
Agustín Ferrer Casas
Itzulpena: Miel A. Elustondo
Harriet, 2024
1936ko azaroaren 16an Kondor legioko hegazkinek Madrilgo zenbait museori egin zieten eraso. Eta horixe bera da liburu honetara... [+]
SCk Zerocalcareri egindako galdera sorta eta honen erantzunak, jarraian.
Bildumako azken alea izango dela jakinarazi dute: lehenbizikoa Ni-ari buruzkoa izan zen, eta bigarrena Zu. Bigarren hura bezala, autoedizioan kaleratu du honakoa ere.
Texts: Illustrations Eli Pagola and Miren
Artetxe: Luz Maitane
Gartziandia, 2023
Before and after the comic, both on the skin and back provided, as well as inside tapas and tapas, there are images and words... [+]
Biga (5 books)
Screenplay: Illustrations Romain
Pujol: Vincent Seguros
We've read eleven stories at home to our seven- and nine-year-olds, and I would say that I've never seen them so hooked that with the... [+]
Anker: Gregorio muro harriet
Illustrations: Alex Male
Color: Garluk Aguirre
Harriet, 2023
The Anker comic is located in January 2019. In the Russian regions, near the borders of China and North Korea. It shows the mafias that are flourishing the Siberian... [+]