The Hika Ateneo of Bilbao became the meeting point of the Amazigh living in the Basque Country. Many of them, or their parents, have travelled to us through the Rif region in northern Morocco. Around music and poetry, the rifeños organized a great party. But the act also had a new purpose: In view of the treatment given to them by the government, they protest in the Rif and expressed their solidarity with the people of the area from Bilbao.Para the public
without origins of the Rif, that evening was an opportunity to learn the language and artistic expressions of another culture. Many Amazigh live among us and we know hardly anything about them! The Hika Atheneum act immersed us both in its celebrations and in its struggles.
“Our culture is the culture of resistance,” explains Hafid, one of the program’s organizers: “In Rif there is a political, social and cultural struggle, they do not recognize us fundamental rights.” The security forces killed a young fishmonger in the garbage cutting machine and the situation overflowed. Citizens often protest every week and the military has taken the region asphyxiantly. “It’s an organized but peaceful uprising,” says Hafim, “just ask for basic things, because
Rif is the most marginalized and impoverished place in Morocco.” The Hika del Ateneo was also a commemorative event of the anniversary of the death of Abd-el-Krim, one of the drivers of the short Republic of the Rif. So next to the stage, there was a portrait of the leader who faced the French and Spanish powers. Below, the flags of the Republic of the Rif and the Basque Country. And also the yellow, green and blue symbol of the Amazigh people: hung on the wall, on the hats of listeners…
The artists went up on stage. First was the turn of singer-songwriter Ahmed Akean. Akean was born in Al-Hoceima, but currently lives in Europe. Their pleasing melodies and their committed letters were welcomed with great satisfaction by the public. Although we do not understand the Amazigh, despite the screams and applause of the people, it seems that he is a valued artist in the area of Akean Rif.
Later, Fikri Tizakrine went up on stage to recite poetry. He began to work humbly, with the poems written in an ordinary notebook. As the phrases advanced, the environment started to warm up. We didn't understand the words, but we did understand the sensations below.
The next protagonists were four young people. They're not streams, but they're from another branch of the Amazon. They now live in Barakaldo and have decided to organize a group. Through traditional tools, especially percussion, the melodies brought from their people work. They also sang in the Amazigha.
The night extended between music and proclamations. They have banned the Amazighs of the Rif language, they have no proper education and they have no media. Therefore, music is the means to convey your feelings, concerns and demands. “Music helps us to spread our cultural and social heritage.”
Istorioetan murgildu eta munduak eraikitzea gustuko du Iosune de Goñi García argazkilari, idazle eta itzultzaileak (Burlata, Nafarroa, 1993). Zaurietatik, gorputzetik eta minetik sortzen du askotan. Desgaitua eta gaixo kronikoa da, eta artea erabiltzen du... [+]
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