Unai Viana is from Topagune, coordinator of Mintzalagun in Gorbeialdea. He lives in Izarra (Urkabustaiz) and, in addition to being a Topagune worker, is engaged in the sauces of youth movements. The fact that Viana has one leg on one leg and the other on the other helps the organization. The meeting supported the festivities of Vitoria-Gasteiz and, through two or three people, gradually, they gathered the references of the young people from all over Álava and threw themselves into the hook.
On the morning of January 28, young people from all corners of Álava presented their activities to promote the Basque country in their villages. The Mintzodromo was then built. All in Oihaneder Euskararen Etxea. They went to the gaztetxe, which is next to them, to silence the pyojosas casings, and went to spend the day thanks to the bar and music from the bar.
As Unai Viana explained to us, the main objective was that young people get to know each other and get together. They did not imagine great pretensions or make plans for the future. It has defined as an adventure the 28th of January: “Because we didn’t have a fixed goal, we had nothing to lose, so we were not afraid. If it went well and went wrong, it’s done.” The organizers have been very pleased with the good reception, the good atmosphere and the good presentation of the teams.
In Álava the villages are very small and there are few associations of Euskera that we officially know in the Basque world. Under this name, to put it in some way, members of the Geu association, Oihaneder Euskararen Etxea, Pika Euskara Taldea and Euskharan Kultur Elkartea came. In addition, representatives of the youth assemblies, youth movements and youth groups met. The members of the Basque commissions of the institutes also attended the appointment to inform them. Among the 60 Basque families, few were over 25 years of age. Viana regrets that no one from the Andean Group appeared. One of the challenges for the next edition will be to give “envy” to the young people of Añana.
Viana has underlined the importance of the meetings in Vitoria-Gasteiz being fun and developing normally. We ask you to explain how enjoyment has been put in the center: “We need everything, there are times when serious ways are needed to work. The meeting has been held expressly to bring people closer, to be comfortable, to make young people feel our strength. We didn't want to scare or sleep anyone. We wanted people to come quiet, without any commitment.”
The meetings were entitled: Alavés, young and Euskaltzale. And what? We asked the young man in Izarra the title they used to disturb someone: “We wanted to show a point of pride. We are proud to be Alaveses, but it seems that Álava was not so closely linked to the Basque country or to the Vasquism. For years, reality has been changing, we Alaveses see change, and many times I ask how change is not noted from the outside. Anyway, the title is nothing to reproach anyone, it’s stupid.”
It's time for appraisals. The meeting point will have to be yours, and so will the 60 people who met in Vitoria-Gasteiz. However, the assessment of Viana’s first impression is very good and, for the future, the way to do something is intubated. Unlike what happened a few months ago, the mobile phone of the young people of the Alavese quadrilles is now very numeroso.Se they have known. “We have taken a big step, we have made a meeting, now it would be nice to start taking small steps. We cannot let the environment cool.”
“Izaskun Arrueren urratsen atzetik” liburua idatzi du Miel Anjel Elustondok. Azken hamarkadetan Gasteizen eta Araban euskararen bilakaera eta Ikastolen sorrera nolakoa izan zen aztertu du. Izaskun Arrue Arabako Ikastoletako “lehen andereñoa” izan... [+]