Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

When death is easy and hard to live...

  • Performance offered on January 16 at the Arriaga Theatre. Actors: José Ramón Soroiz, Maiken Beitia, Eneko Sagardoy, Gorka Martin, Jon Casamayor, Kepa Errasti, Mikel Laskurain, Nerea Elizalde and Tania Fornieles. Address and Cordura: Mireia Gabilondo (director), Patxo Telleria (text), Ana pepper and Fernando Bernues (original idea and argument) Upcoming performances in Basque: In March in Eibar and in April in Donostia.
Argazkia: Manix Día de Rada
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

We stepped on the red carpet from the Arriaga and climbed to the second floor. There is no trace of the golden stands of the night; a voice 1942.urtean reminds viewers that we have approached to enjoy the function that we are in a house of orphans in Warsaw. Kindergarten furniture has been our armchair today, some of us have sat around the food and the others have taken the place in the letters.


The same starting voice tells us that Mika wanted to sleep on the ground in the first few days, since until then he had not known any bed. He has also presented us to Ivan, who sleeps in my bed above, and I've realized that Klara will be there for the duration of the theater. Although at first I don't know anything about Klara and the other 200 children who sleep around me, keeping the necklace with her mother's photo every night on the pillow makes me think I'm occupying the place of a girl who lives with the memories of the closest ones.


Janusz Korczak has begun the work of tribute to the doctor and pedagogue Janusz Korczak, who has been assembled on site and in time. We have seen the daily march of the orphan house in Warsaw, the system of trials invented for the management of problems, hunger and the need for the most basic. In the eyes of the protagonists we have seen the terror of ignorance or lack of curiosity. Family formed by Korczza and Wilczynska, love and respect for children.


We have witnessed a genuine republic of children and we have been part of it. Until the end we have met a Polish doctor who lost his life in the struggle for a dignified life for children. They have brought to the Basque the quotes that the doctor pronounced in his day and helped us to delve further into Korczak’s way of being. With great mastery, José Ramón Soroiz has shown on Janusz Korczak’s skin his anger and his sweetness in the face of the current situation. However, on this occasion I would like to highlight the skill and concentration of all the actors, since each one has been able to make its place in a wide, diverse and multitudinous scenario.


But the time has finally come to take the last train for Treblinka. With the shoes very clean, the woman hit and the backpack full of lessons of dignity, they go out singing on the journey of ignorance or ignorance. The spectators have made room to smile on this last occasion, and seen that, I myself doubt whether dying is easier than living in these conditions.

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Eguneraketa berriak daude