Joujou A group of music composed of two caregivers. On the right of the scene, Benjamin has his battery in the liver. He has composed his musical instrument with percussion instruments from different countries and with percussion elements (I believe) that he himself built. It also has looper and samplers.
At the beginning of the concert, take out a t-shirt. Pulling and relaxing creates a dark melody. And entering the operating room. As the air repeats, decorate the battery with various elements. With the bum-bum-bum-bum first. It creates a kind of primitive dance environment. Then introduce the drum and other thymbals. And finally, bells. The battery's hands are always working, non-stop, non-stop.
On the left of the scene, Agnès, with a unique wooden rope instrument. Your instrument looks and sounds like a bass. It uses effects, it achieves a lot of different sounds with saturation, octavillas and others.
Sing as well. Repeat sentences as a battery. It repeats about 50 times, changing a letter or a letter, saying in different ways, in the voice, screaming. Statements against general standardisation and passivity. Short and direct criticism.
Looking at the audience or behind them, spinning down the ground or jumping up… this singer conveys a positive hatred.
The music of the Joujou group, some dancing Brazilian rhythms with air of punk rock and a voice that wants to get out of the walls. Or a hardcore rhythm, shouting a forgotten bass on the ground, all adorned with an old French song.
In one way or another, your music is always dancing. In public, we have a humble desire to get to Joujou's energy, and we're all dancing.
For a moment, electricity jumps, shutting down the lighting and sound system of the concert hall. In these cases, the force is expected to resume the concert. Joujou doesn't wait. Joujou doesn't stop. They're still as if their song hadn't happened. Continue in the dark without sonorization for 5-10 minutes! The singer yells at the audience and the battery gives us its unplugged rhythms with the fastest of intentions. When electricity comes back, Joujou goes ahead. It seems that electricity is a new person in the audience and that Joujou says “welcome to our concert.”
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