The SC Gallery is unique in the artistic panorama of Bilbao. “We are an independent initiative that works with contemporary artists from the graffiti scene, street art and illustration,” says Sergio, head of the gallery. In other words, they are the only gallery that deals with street art. The catalogue of murals of Bilbao la Vieja, San Francisco and Zabala has just been published and can be purchased at the street headquarters Cortes.En one Saturday morning, sunny but cold, we have appeared in Cortes street, ready
to participate in the visit. With the Seven Streets on the other side of the river, we are in an area that has always been a bellows of the city: we will pass through streets built on old mines, open for the transportation of iron to barcos.Una once the prosperity is finished, the San Francisco
area became the target of exclusion and prejudice. Therefore, mural art is a means to increase the cohesion and coexistence of the neighborhood. The Maider guide explains that there are so many murals in Bilbao La Vieja, San Francisco and Zabala thanks to a project developed in collaboration with the City Hall and the neighbors. This is not improvised graffiti, but works by well-known artists.
From Cortes Street, next to the Miribilla Park, we have found the first artwork done by SUSO33. It occupies the entire wall of a building, five floors. They're the shadows of a number of people, because the artist wants to symbolize the connection between the people in the neighborhood. Then, back to Cortes Street, we've seen a work by the BK collective. Since it was painted in 2008 and has since been outdoors, the damage caused by moisture is evident. It's a street art, changing, with expiration date. According to the guide, artists want to photograph themselves to see how their work changes over time.
The next stop is a spectacular image made by the French Zoer and Velvet in a corner of Saralegi Square. We were surprised by the accuracy that artists have gained in such a high wall. The most complicated part of this discipline is, precisely, to bring to a great wall the design that is made in the head or in a role of the artist, without hardly references.Along streets,
plazas and corridors, among the vestiges of the ancient mines, we find unknown treasures. In one, the figures made taking advantage of the moisture spots. On the other, a colorful mural. Next time, precise geometric shapes decorating the rigidity of the walls. We've realized that we've come to the end. The surrealist stairs drawn by the Polish Michael Grudziecki at the back of the Bilbao Arte complete the visit. These stairs rise from the uncertainty of the sea to the brightness of the sky, as a metaphor for the evolution of the
barrio.El cycle of guided tours will end on January 28. The proposal of the SC Gallery has been very successful and all the places are already full, both in Spanish and in Euskera. Those of the Gallery plan to arrange more visits, pending the approval of the City Council of Bilbao. In fact, about twenty works have been catalogued, but we've seen about half of them. Therefore, on the walls of Bilbao la Vieja, San Francisco and Zabala there are more treasures waiting to be discovered.
Zerbitzu sekretuen alorrean erabili ohi diren OSINT teknikak erabiliko dituen enpresa bat kontratatzeko proiektua lizitaziora atera du Gasteizko Udalak, Arabako Alea-k jakitera eman duenez.
These cold nights of November the street of Vitoria does not illuminate the moons, but the shows of the festival of light Umbra. In these short days of little light, the festival has allowed us to enter the world of the art of light, where the public has been able to experience... [+]