The massacre was taking place at the ends of the International Committee of the Red Cross and some French doctors of the organization felt that the Red Cross should do more to denounce the situation. On his return to Paris, he was reported in the press for what was happening in Biafra. The medical weekly Tonus, among others, was informed. These doctors, in the writing of Tonus, created the Brigade of Medical Emergencies Without Borders in 1971.
Matthew Urakana Haititik igaro eta bi astera 1,4 milioi biztanle inguru daude laguntza beharrean, Mugarik Gabeko Medikuak erakundeak azaldu duenez. Elikagai arazo larriak direla eta, kolera agerraldi berri bati buruz ari dira medikuak. Malaria, dengea, pneumonia eta halako... [+]
Migrazio politikak salatzeko asmoz egin dute hautua. Gobernuz kanpoko erakundeak munduan zehar dituen proiektu guztiei eragingo die erabakiak.