I have already paid the floor, but eight years ago I had to ask for a mortgage along with the other neighbors in order to be able to pay for the reform of the building. I'm still paying my loan: EUR 400 per month. I live alone and with my pension I have almost no money left for anything. The rest is spent on household expenses, i.e. electricity, water and gas.
I work to be able to buy food. Cleaning work three days a week. With my age, it's the only job you can find. It's a pity that you don't spend your whole life in that state. In her bad, I get paid well. EUR 300 per month for six hours a week. That is true, I finalize the exhausted days. At my age, the forces are not left over. I can still work. But I have a lot of osteoarthritis and who knows how I'm going to be in a few years' time. Moreover, it should be noted that I can get my pension removed if I see that I have another source of income. For example, they gave me a grant for the work, and the Social Security people asked me to account.
With the money I have, I can only meet basic needs. I have problems with extraordinary expenses. Sometimes I can't face them. For example, I don't hear anything from the right ear, but I can't buy the device, because it costs a lot of huge money. At the moment I hear well from the left ear, but I was once completely deaf.
Unlike many people around me, I cannot go to the movies, to have coffee, to have dinner with my friends… Having a social life is more difficult. I'm in a number of partnerships and thank you. I'm an active person and I don't want to be locked up at home. Among other things, I am in the Sasoia Association and in the Elders Group in the face of the crisis. I have a social conscience and I believe that we need to fight for our rights as pensioners.
Many elderly people are in a precarious situation, but the Spanish Government is turning a blind eye, not thinking about our well-being. About 70% of the pensioners of Hego Euskal Herria receive less than 1,000 euros per month. And of these, most of us have pensions that do not reach EUR 650.
Above all, we women are suffering from the crisis in the pension system. Many have been concerned about the care of their family members and about household chores, they have not paid contributions and, once they are widowed, their pension drops to 60%. The costs remain. It is a great injustice.
I see the very black future. The provision is that the pension stock may be empty within one year. Pensions should not be in that bag. There are other solutions. For example, receiving money through income tax.
As far as I am concerned, I know that as my age increases, things will become harder and harder for me. Sometimes I think it can be a solution to sell floor and go to a nursing home. But to be in a place like this, I'm too independent a person. The truth is that I prefer not to think about the future.
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