Music lovers have often discussed in a concert which group would best give, or that this and he won't stick on the same poster... Before the performance starts, you have to talk about something, you know. There are supporters of consistency and contrast. Another of the controversies is often whether the room itself is appropriate for birch; even more so if we speak of a room like Hell Dorado, because the small hell of Vitoria-Gasteiz has
a marked salon character of rock.El threesome that we now had brought to the cold night of Vitoria the various colors of rock, so it fulfilled in some way with coherence and contrast. A poster (almost) perfecto.Los
first set in motion were the Screamers & Sinners of Arrasate. The quartet does Rockabilly in punk attitude, psychobilly. With the back to the head, for an hour, the room was heated with dancing rhythms, sharp guitars, obscene saxons and raw words. They interspersed songs in Spanish, English and Basque, and a couple of versions (I identified Ahogate from RIP). They have two albums on the street, and the third album also comes; it's not a little bit in a two-year interval.
Those who have been on the table for years are those of Lord NO. In the Basque underground, if any, those of Buenavista are among the greatest names. A punk rock fast, with a solo guitar and an enthusiastic attitude. Frontman Xabi Garre (no, his last name is not Lord NO) screamed people several times, and in an hour, almost without breathing, we were offered a good sample of his wide repertoire. No, they haven't brought innovation in recent years, but what the heck, there's a need to innovate forever?
The Sumision City Blues was in charge of presenting his latest work, but the most important excuse of the night was Sumision City. There's a plan drawn from above, and it's called ... This is the first feature of Submission, since only short-term records have been published before. From the beginning they made it clear what their intention was when the singer Pela yelled “Topa, sons of whore!”: to celebrate and to influence. For an hour and a half the songs of the new album (more rocker than the previous ones) were alternated with the old ones (more accentuated in funk). Hell Dorado looks like a custom-made room for this group: it’s the perfect setting for Pela to make her gestures, Joseba and Anti to make “competitions” together and David and Kike to dance to everyone. Plus, I think you're at the best time in your life, so what else can I ask for?
Well, all three of them
started to ask, and all three of them also had a provocative attitude of punk; rather than giving songs, they launched them, hitting one after otra.Nada to stand out. It has often been said that the most important thing is attitude (almost).
Osakidetzak 6.000 euroko isuna jarri dio Last Tour enpresari, La Polla Records taldeak Gasteizen emandako bi kontzertuen arduradun izanik covid-19ari aurre egiteko "osasun-araudia ez betetzeagatik". Arrazoi horregatik jarri daitekeen isunik handiena agindu du... [+]
Jon Savage (Jonathan Malcolm Sage, Londres, 1953) musika kazetari britainiar ospetsuak Joy Division post-punk taldeari buruzko historia biltzen duen liburua argitaratu berri du, This searing light, the sun and everything else, bandak Closer izenburuko bigarren eta azken lana... [+]
Iosu eta Jualma orain dela 25 urte hil ziren, eta bi musikariei omenaldia egiteko Más alla del cementerio musika jaialdia antolatu dute Santana 27 aretoan.
Hitzaldiak, kontzertuak, erakusketak eta proiekzioak antolatu ditu Orbain Kultur Elkarteak, maiatzaren 20ra bitartean.
Gadafiste brothers opposes Western thoughts that unify. The phrase “International Brigades in Libya!” is not usually heard on the stage…
Three guys on top of the scene and a computer. Through the computer they sent us drums and sanples: tu-ka, tu-tu-tu-ka on an... [+]