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Readers asking

  • Hello Jakoba, what can be the best time to change your walnut? And how? Ioseba Berezibar, Aretxabaleta

Hello, Ioseba. The walnut (Juglans regia) loses foliage. Like all species that disintegrate, they have to be changed in autumn or in winter, from December to February. There is only one thing to keep in mind: that there is no fear of having ice during those days. In the planting hole the soil swells and if the ice is intense it can enter through the sections of the ground and freeze the roots.

How do you do it? The movement of the plant shall be carried out with as much surface as possible. Keep as many roots as possible and, if possible, all of them when removing them. If you cut down large roots, the plant is at risk of frustration and for a few years it may not be able to turn around. Protect the large wounds of the roots: put some Burgundy broth in a bowl, add a few drops of water, mix well and moisten the wounds with a paste or paste. If you start watering with lush water when the new hojal starts coming out, it will have a beautiful side effect.

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