The distribution will probably take place from now on: before and after the internet. Damaris Pan Vega (Mallabia, 29 August 1983) is a post-Internet artist, but not especially because of the presence of the network in his work, unless he is part of the group of artists who use the network to make their work known. Artist of his time, therefore, it can be said.
There have been no individual exhibitions, but there have been numerous collective exhibitions, the last of which was that of Esku Azpi Begi, curated by Iñaki Imaz, which ended on 30 December last year. It has been selected on three occasions for the Tibil exhibition in Bizkaia. She is a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Artist of his time, but at the same time as always: he mainly uses drawing and painting, he launches on the road without knowing what he will find, it seems to him that the creative process shows his own bowels. It does not need a concrete methodology. It doesn't have a timetable, it doesn't have a hurry, the world is working for itself. That world that gets into his eyes gets out of his hands, sooner or later. It does not use painting as a representation of something, but autonomously: matter itself, tracing, color, drawing, strength of form. It creates a new being and character in each work.
It starts on the road without knowing what it will find, understands art as a deviation, and its works are the stations of that continuous deviation. Sometimes the strange being, sometimes the dirty icon, seems that the artist of his time has made a wild synthesis of the thousand forms that circulate on the net, captured the monster, captured the beauty and put it back on the net so that the new being follows its path.
Behin batean, gazterik, gidoi nagusia betetzea egokitu zitzaion. Elbira Zipitriaren ikasle izanak, ikastolen mugimendu berriarekin bat egin zuen. Irakasle izan zen artisau baino lehen. Gero, eskulturgile. Egun, musika jotzen du, bere gogoz eta bere buruarentzat. Eta beti, eta 35... [+]
This text comes two years later, but the calamities of drunks are like this. A surprising surprise happened in San Fermín Txikito: I met Maite Ciganda Azcarate, an art restorer and friend of a friend. That night he told me that he had been arranging two figures that could be... [+]
On Monday afternoon, I had already planned two documentaries carried out in the Basque Country. I am not particularly fond of documentaries, but Zinemaldia is often a good opportunity to set aside habits and traditions. I decided on the Pello Gutierrez Peñalba Replica a week... [+]