Jail, as a subject, I think anyone likes as little as me. But the ARGIA workers have put forward a nice proposal on this subject. We are immersed in the subscription account, going over here and there, remembering that there are addresses that are unfortunately known to us. Jails. And then he turned on the light bulb. Why not know ARGIA through the eyes of the jail?
I get a lot of questions at the top in these kinds of cases, and some of them will probably never answer without living in jail. For example, what does it mean to receive the Basque press when it is thousands of kilometres from its people? And that's really hard to understand for someone who hasn't lived it. But that's what I've asked Jon Mintegiaga. The former political prisoner subscribed to ARGIA when he was in prison. The first answer has been that these are articles to read calmly, which allowed him to read deeper reports... But he has continued to say that he has texts in rich Basque and that in prison, almost without vasco-speakers, for him it was a kind of respiratory zone. The relationship with Euskal Herria is maintained almost by the press escrita.Tambiand opened a
blog argia.eus and defines it as “a contribution from within to the group of prisoners”, as he wanted to help show the daily prison of Basque political prisoners his experiences.
There's another subscriber in Zurich. Nekane Txapartegi. A few months ago he signed up and a friend of his tells us the excitement he has had since, after fourteen years without Basque press, he receives people like ARGIA or Berria. He says that he has reconnected with the Basque Country and defines ARGIA as the communicative alternative of what is at the moment.
There are also people who sign up at home and introduce semanaries into the monthly packages. Mikel Orbegozo, for example. The draftsman himself, surely more than one article has inspired or provided him with information. My mother says it.
And these are just examples, there are more undersigned prisoners, but on these few lines not everyone can be named. There are many ways of reaching prisoners, and the economy, at least, is not an obstacle. Anyone who wants to read the LIGHT can do so.
Santi Cobosen ahozko testigantzan oinarrituta, espetxearen erretratu bat da Zigor Olabarriaren Txori Urdinak liburua. Santi Cobosek (Leon, Gaztela, 1968) bizitzaren erdia eman du preso. Pairatu ditu torturak, jipoiak, muturreko isolamendua, FIES sailkapena; burutu ditu ihes... [+]