1. How do they value the work of the Government of Navarra in its field for 16 months?
Note 0 to 10.
2nd Where should the government reach its scope during the remaining legislature?
Note: 5.
Assessment. The 2016 budget law was too lukewarm, we looked with concern at the continuity of UPN governance. In recent weeks, the foral government has presented a plan against male violence for the next six years, with a budget of EUR 22.5 million. The plan seems to cover some shortcomings, but it is soon to be assessed.
Right to abortion: Foral Decree 103/2016, recently approved, will bring great and profound advances in its implementation. The Decree has shadows and loopholes, for example, in this case refer cases to the concerted clinic we have. They are the reactionary, profound and strong roots of the Path of Health. Therefore, in order for the decree to be carried out, the firm will of the Government of Navarra will be required.
Looking forward. We need more change, more social and feminist. Changes will still be required in the areas of power represented by the patriarchal regime on the right, according to Interior. To do so, it will be essential that the Feminist Movement be considered a political interlocutor, and this has not yet happened.
Foral Decree 103/2016 should be developed and integrated in an orderly manner, regulate hiring in the labour market with equal criteria, invest more in education and prevention, develop a comprehensive plan against male violence and provide itself with resources; and establish policies that take into account the specific realities and needs of women in the cultural, health and other social rights fields, as well as in economic development measures.
Note: 5.
Assessment. The new Government of Navarre found itself in a very harsh situation. Many of us want to think that the social aspect is important to this government, but they are slow. One example: The Law on Rights for Inclusion and Guaranteed Income is an improvement, but not the one we wanted. The income of people living alone has been reduced from EUR 655 to EUR 600 and it takes two years to start living in Navarre.
Looking forward. The number of homes for rent is very small and we are afraid that the measures being taken may be long-term. Many families live in a single room, all suffer from this situation, but especially children... We have to get the mother to work, for example, and leave the children alone in the room creating situations of risk...
Therefore, a larger number of rented housing is needed and for that reason the government has to negotiate with the banks so that the homes that have them can allocate them to that fund. At the same time, many houses are empty and the Government should encourage its owners to rent them, ensuring with insurance that the houses are returned to them in good condition.
Assessment. Coming from the hard and dark times of UPN's Iribas, the change was a fresh wind for us. We in the administration are taking away the burden of not suffering the institutional campaigns against the Basque people. However, it was incomprehensible that the government agreement did not include the official status of the Basque Country for the whole territory. We are also concerned that during these months he has not made any effort to send the “LOMCE to Navarra”.
Looking forward. We call for cooperation with the Department of Education. Our priorities are the development of Basque education, not LOMCE, increasing resources in favor of an inclusive and participatory school, policies in favor of small schools... We can never feel satisfied, because there is much to do, and here we place our work as a social movement, in the constant demand and in the demand for improvements.
We are not going to take note of them, because we are in favour of another evaluation model! We ask you to work two more capacities: one, which believes more in itself, because in addition to the fact that the Basques are not seconds, the Basque model is one of the greatest riches in Navarre. Two, let them collaborate more with the next ones, because another education system is possible.
Assessment. Some things have been improved: Lower teacher/student ratios in Children and Primary, let the maps of the textbooks in the Basque Country be legal, that the hired professors pay for family support... So, still very little.
Looking forward. In general, we continue with the policies designed by UPN, and negotiations with educational actors have not begun. Therefore, the change should be total. Ending apartheid in Euskera: a unique list of opposition and recruitment, disseminating Euskera in Vocational Training, in artistic studies and at the University. In the network as a whole, from primary school onwards, more than 61% of the students do not learn in Basque or Basque, so it is necessary to ensure a minimum knowledge of Basque for all the students of Navarra. The IAP should be abandoned and an Integrated Treatment of Equal Languages should be established.
Wages would have to be equated between officials and hired, and all staff would have to pay the summer pay. If school hours and ratios went down, the quality of education would increase and hundreds of teachers would be hired. Plans for equality, co-education and affective education should be extended with resources in all schools. Note: They have not halved, to see if they surpass it by the end of the legislature.
Note: 5(-).
Assessment. Change is measured in four axes: democratisation, social sphere, dismantling of privileges and clientelism and working conditions. Steps have been taken in democratization: historical memory, victims, treatment of the Basque Country, sectarization… But in the social sphere are the most evident deficiencies of this government. Changes in taxation have been anecdotal. “This is what there is!”, some politicians say, and that is unacceptable from the logic of the left.
Some decisions have been made in policies against privilege and clientelism, but there is a lack of courage. The benefits that Opus still has are not at all acceptable and are still funded, directly or indirectly, by UGT, CCOO and CEN. To the extent that this is the case, we cannot say that all trade unions have the same opportunities.
Looking forward. Changes in taxation are mandatory. We have a spread of EUR 1.8 billion with the EU average tax burden. Then you can start talking about other things: reversing cuts in public services, social rights; moving to 0-3 years of education; ending health waiting lists or ensuring public care for people in a situation of dependency.
As for the training of workers, there is no excuse for not working in a public model, nor for not improving the working conditions of the thousands of workers that the government has directly or subcontracted. Note: At 5 it does not come, so the change is pending. Correcting or smoothing the barbarity of UPN is not enough to talk about real change.
Note: 6-7.
Assessment. What we most praise is the marked line of work rather than the work done, because we know that from one day to the next you cannot change everything. But the steps are already beginning to be noted, for example, this year’s budgets may be indicative of that tipping point, of the ongoing internal reorganisation, or of the open ways to encourage participation. In any event, they will have to act decisively to move from a turning point to a transformative dynamic.
Looking forward. Four years are not enough to carry out the comprehensive transformation needed by agriculture and livestock farming, but in some areas the Government can leave the work in the right direction. For example, in the deepening of food sovereignty, in the socialization of non-resolution between the industrial model and the environment, in the reduction of the uses of inputs that come from abroad and contaminate land and food, and in the growth of agroecological models.
Note: 6.5.
Assessment. The change of attitude is evident: previously the memorialist work was hampered by the government, and now it has a favorable attitude. Examples: intensification of the relationship with associations, subsidies for memorialist activities, government participation in various acts, exhumation of corpses or measures to start removing Francoist symbols. In addition, the agreements adopted by the City Council and the Parliament of Pamplona to bring a court case against Franco.
In any case, in some respects our disagreement is also evident: sometimes the relationship has not been the right one, the pace of application of the law of memory is being too slow, and there are significant deficiencies in the census of the Francoist symbols. In addition, these issues are intended not to offend the Church and Opus Dei. In short, we expected more.
Looking forward. The undeveloped measures are as follows: Elaboration and protection of places, suspension of the amnesty law, creation of the Memory Institute, impetus of the Truth Commission, creation of didactic units on the repression of war and Franco and complete elimination of the Francoist symbology.
Assessment. The language policies against the Basque Country carried out by the governments of the UPN left a very small starting point, in three pillars of the administration – the legal corpus, plans and resources – the situation was really arid and that has begun to get wet with raindrops, but there is still much to do in the river. As regards the legal corpus, it has not taken measures that could have been taken de facto, such as the amendment of Decree 29/2003. A strategic plan has begun to be drawn up and we value it positively. In the case of resources, a step forward has also been taken, but we are still far from meeting the needs.
Looking forward. In the Legal Corpus, the objective is to modify the Law of Vascuence, which is so painful, but we understand that this process should be done gradually. Therefore, the decrees that harm the Basque Country should be amended to end the legislature and the government must put the necessary means (personal, economic…). The government has the opportunity to do so and must take advantage of its time to make it the government of change in the Basque country too. Note: we carry out a continuous evaluation. It takes the necessary measures, has the will to cooperate with the Basque world (as in the strategic plan) and are worthy of being valued at the end of the legislature.
Note: 8.
Assessment. It is clear that the Government’s attitude towards the LGTBI group has been very close. We have explained to you the demands that are historic and have taken into account the political processes that we have done so far, but the most important thing is that they have given us the opportunity to express what we want. Until now, the visibility of sexual diversity has had to be performed by the collectives and the role of the administration has been passive tolerance. The first LGTB policy activation mechanisms have now been created.
Looking forward. On the one hand, our intention is to strengthen the dialogue we are having with the government and to create new channels and, on the other, to have in the administration an area that is autonomous and that can feel comfortable. In other words, the creation of a specific LGTB area, framework and area.
At the same time, the complexities involved in transsexuality must be addressed and the knowledge and wisdom of the Trans collective must be revealed. In other words, clinic and biographies must adopt a more comprehensive attitude in order to alleviate crispation. In some cases, the clinical diagnoses made to address the transsexuality process give rise to discomfort. Trans groups must be given the floor to deal with flexibility and depathologization. The government must establish the LGTBI framework and policies, as has already been said, mechanisms must be activated to promote the strategies we have put forward.
Note: 6.
Assessment. We understand that change takes time, but it's materializing. So far, institutions have worked for decades in darkness and ideological control. We see interesting contributions, such as the new monitoring institution that is being set in motion, especially the willingness to account for the citizens and to bring transparency to all the areas in which the government is working.
Looking forward. It should be used to strengthen that control body by providing it with the necessary economic and human resources, making these social achievements irreversible in the future. Consolidating legislation on revolving doors would be a major step forward. We would also like to see greater courage in the areas of power that are still powerful and still in their hands, with tricks and pharaonic works, which have led us to the crisis. We would also like to see those who “have left a mark” on their charges made public, or those who have not yet gone or gone around revolving doors, and more so when accountability is called for.
Assessment. There's everything. Well done things that haven't been done so well. It is positive to highlight the close relationship they have offered, as well as their interest in making the processes open and participatory. II. The development of the Foral Youth Plan has been addressed from a more open perspective, trying to explain the current demands of youth. But there are all two sides to it, and precisely for that reason, all that has been done has been this process of the Plan and other things that young people need have been neglected, such as work against temporary work or in favour of emancipation. Furthermore, it is one thing that the desire for participatory processes is expressed, and another that is, we are still far from achieving it.
Looking forward. It has to make work a cross-cutting issue for young people, in order to be able to defend the rights of young people in all areas. It's not just about leisure and culture. As we are one of the groups most affected by the economic situation, we must provide a comprehensive solution. By the note, this is like at school, the notes are put at the end. Time will tell.
Note: 2-3.
Assessment. There is a better level of relations with the government – asking for meetings… – but that has not brought more transparency. For example, the Energy Plan, which is the basis for a more sustainable society, is being debated almost without making citizens aware of it. There have only been meetings not announced by the media and they want the debate to end by the end of the year, so we have had barely four months for the debate.
Looking forward. The important aspects of the Navarre economy which have a major impact on the environment must be changed. Here are some: it is necessary to abandon the High Formation Train (TAV) project; close the Castejón thermal power plants, as ordered by the courts; do not continue with the projects of high-voltage lines… But in this government we do not see the will for it.
Note: 5.
Assessment. It's not doing enough. Improving the previous situation is easy, it is like leaving Franco's dictatorship, but the same thing happens a few years later: officials and structures do not change. Not even prebendas. The social model doesn't change. As a result of the need to maintain balance, the quartet that sustains the government is weak, may have positions, but cannot. The illusion of change for nothing to change. They will give in to what does not affect the system (abortion, Basque…), but they will not accept changes in development, in the economy, in the distribution of work, in the control of the media, in private management, in the public service, in the entry of the multinationals… A despair that does not bode well for the forthcoming elections. We are still in their hands.
Looking forward. It would be enough for 50% of current environmental legislation to be complied with, but let us not forget that this legislation has been developed in a liberal system and is not enough. We are experiencing a crisis of civilisation that requires paralysing developmental legislation. The depth of this wound does not resolve with puppies. Current legislation wants to put patches in order to make some progress, but that is not achieved either. The solution to waste is in consumption. Diarrhea does not resolve with a large urination.
Note: 6.
Assessment. That is a good thing. With the Second Phase of the Canal of Navarra he has taken the bull by the horns, is performing the corresponding examinations and after them he will decide what to do. Having seen what he has done so far, that is a lot. In the First Phase, however, it has not carried out studies of this type and without them new irrigation areas have been opened, which is to be criticized.
Looking forward. Among the tasks to be performed are: To establish a clear position with the theme of the Yesa Reservoir to ensure citizen security. This reservoir is not within its competence – it is the responsibility of the Spanish Government – but it also affects the safety of many ships. As far as the Channel of Navarra is concerned, we do not agree with the assessment made by the Chamber of Comptes on the First Phase and we think that the government should endorse it.
The “Salvamos Ega” campaign is also there. The Montejurra Commonwealth is overexploiting the aquifers of the Ega River, which has seriously affected the situation of the river. Action must be taken to remedy this.
11 doctors in health care earn 230,000 euros each year, one of the practices 18,000 euros
This Thursday, EH Bila asked the Government of Navarre to investigate and correct this situation in the plenary session of the Parliament of Navarre. The UPN and the PP have joined the... [+]
Ilbeltzeko igande goiz batez jo dugu Baztanera. Eguzkiak oraindik ez du Lekarozko plaza argitu; bertan elkartu gara Garbiñe Elizegi Narbarte, Itziar Torres Letona eta Ernesto Prat Urzainkirekin. Itzaletan hotz egiten du eta umorez goxatu dugu lehen agurra, hogei urtean... [+]