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Readers asking

  • Hi Jakoba. We have a long verge of boj at home and in recent months is sick. In a plant shop in the area we were told that the disease is widespread and we were sold some powders, called Belthirul. We have given it three times in the last three months, but it remains the same. Can something else be done? Thank you. Felipe Aramendi (Hernani)
Cydalima perspectalis (Arg.: Böhringer Friedrich-CC By SA)
Cydalima perspectalis (Arg.: Böhringer Friedrich-CC By SA)

Hello, Felipe. What you have in the boj is a butterfly. Cydalima perspectalis. It is a terrible plague, which has come to us from Asia. The worm is the one that hurts. Then, in the chrysalis, it closes into a kind of spider web and becomes a butterfly. Bacillus thuringiensis is a medicine for your treatment. In other words, the Belthirul to which you referred. It is an ecological treatment, it does not cause any damage to plants, to land or to us. Treat as quickly as possible, every 8-10 days. Wet the plant well, try to wet it all the way.

The following year we will be watching from the spring and as soon as we see the first worm, we will begin to treat it. If it is done right from the start, the damage is greatly reduced.

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