In the laboratory notebooks, Marie detailed the results of each of the phases of the process. At home, he also had notebooks to collect his expertise with scientific precision, obsessively. For example, the notebooks let us know the price of the fabric with which Pierre made the shirt. Her daughter Irène was one of Mary's favorite objects. She regularly traversed the diameter of her daughter's head with traces and carefully noted the result. In the same month that polonium was introduced, Irène said “gogli gogli go” and in January 1899 he had fifteen teeth.
The kitchen was also a lab for the Nobel Double Prize. In 1898, after preparing the jealousy of currants, he wrote the following recipe/experiment: “I took four kilos of fruit and another four kilos of crystallized sugar. I boiled it all for ten minutes and passed the mixture over a little brow. I got fourteen high-quality dishes, it didn’t get transparent and it got really good.”
Marie Curiere didn't think of making recipes with her discoveries, but others did. For years, they used radioactive components to produce toothpaste or laxantes.En in the years leading up to their death, Marie Curie expressed her discomfort that these products were not used with due diligence. For him it was too late to start acting with caution. Most of Marie Curie's documents, including recipes, are still very radioactive and stored in lead-lined boxes.
In the striking canvas of research and the academic world, the brushes of gender equality not only paint a picture of justice, but also sculpt the essence of knowledge. On the occasion of World Africa Day on 25 May, it is essential to recognise the fundamental role of African... [+]
Izabarrak zientziari egindako ekarpenak ikusarazteko helburuz publikatu du Nafarroako Gobernuak, haren jaiotzaren mendeurrenaren harira. Izabako Alaba Kutun izendatu dute.
Kataluniako kimika ikerketen institutuan (ICIQen alegia), arlo ezberdinetako hogei bat ikerketa talde inguru daude. Institutuaren helburu nagusia prozesu katalitiko berrien garapena lortzea da.
Zientzia eta guda gizonezkoen alor esklusiboak ziren XX. mendearen hasieran. Espresuki debekatuak zitzaizkien emakumezkoei, neskametzarako edo gizasemeen menpeko lan anonimoetarako ez bazen behintzat.