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Mizpirak in autumn

  • The time taken to cover the chorlith ring from the knee to the base of the pants has increased since the time has come to return home. At the time of the shorts, the departure from the house was more enjoyable. I, too, prefer the direction of my journey outward, but the harvest forces us into. What moves us inwards is time.
Mizpirak (Mespilus germanica) lurrean usteltzen. (Arg.: Jakoba Errekondo)
Mizpirak (Mespilus germanica) lurrean usteltzen. (Arg.: Jakoba Errekondo)

The misery brings us the fall. Mespilus germanica is a bit stuffed. It doesn't want to land until the microbe gets naked from its leaves. So they are the only ones that draw attention to the branches of the tree, in contrast to the light of the blue skies. Although little Mizpira tries to distinguish him, it is not right away when the discord and the imbecile trample on him. What is bitter to the lightning that is not fully mature! It carries maturity to the end and has two fermentable enzymes to mature without being corrupted. If a chills occurs, the enzymes resuscitate and become softer and more delicious. Over-maturity must begin to be able to eat. That's when it develops sweet sugar in the flesh, without sucrose, but with glucose and fructose in the neck. The syme has more sugar than apple or dried fig or banana. So yes, then it's a bird or a gasteropod, it's everybody's taste. In fact, if a haunt drives them out and causes them to land, serene and snails, they will have to be quite compatriots towards those who bear the rotten point. Those who are green stay for later. So they don't eat them, if you brought them home, dry and raw, I don't have to die. One or two days later to freezer, then rich.

We are also animals and we do not waste our instinct... And the miserable was occupying his palate at full maturity. However, most people do not know mizpira, and in the face of the praise of “putrefaction”, more than one has made me the gesture of nausea. The mizpira is the fruit of the onion, we have discarded it. It is a Japanese mizpira, Japanese eriobotrya. What you see in the shops... But that's the barrel of the other pipe.

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